One of the most traumatic events in your life for many people can be being diagnosed with diabetes. Many people when first introduced to it have no idea all that goes with it. There are dietary changes needed, there are new tasks that have to be undertook, and you have to take care of yourself in a way that is wholly different from previously. So to say that changes are needed and that it can cause a lot of angst and dread is a definitive understatement.
One such way that changes have to be made in some diabetic people is with their footwear. Diabetes causes issues with the feet, and to prevent those problems from lingering and getting worse over time, doctors might suggest that you buy and wear diabetic shoes.
Today’s guide is going to be all about diabetic shoes. Any questions or concerns you have will be looked at, as well as features that a good diabetic shoe has. We will then take a look at the top shoes for diabetic wearers before we conclude.
Top Diabetic Shoes Comparison Chart
Product | Heel Type | Upper Material | Price | Where to Buy? |
Propet Women’s Travelactive Slip-On | Flat | Mesh | $$ | Check on Amazon |
Orthofeet Women’s Ortho Diabetic Athletic | Raised | Mesh | $$$ | Check on Amazon |
New Balance Women’s WW877-SB | Raised | Mesh/Suede | $$ | Check on Amazon |
Propet Women’s Cronus Comfort Sneaker | Flat | Neoprene | $$ | Check on Amazon |
Propet Women’s Mary Jane Walker | Raised | Leather | $$ | Check on Amazon |
Orthofeet Diabetic Gramercy Men’s Dress Shoes | Raised | Leather | $$$ | Check on Amazon |
Hush Puppies Men’s Gil Slip-On | Flat | Leather | $$ | Check on Amazon |
Dr. Comfort Carter Men’s Casual Shoe | Raised | Lycra | $$$ | Check on Amazon |
Foamtreads Men’s Extra Depth Wool Slippers | Flat | Fabric | $$ | Check on Amazon |
Propet Men’s Life Walker Strap Sneaker | Raised | Leather | $$ | Check on Amazon |
Diabetic Shoes Buying Guide
A Quick Overview: Why Do I Need Diabetic Shoes?
It’s a simple question, but a lot of people don’t know the answer to it because it can be complicated. Especially when you are trying to relay the message to family members that want to care but just simply do not understand it too much. One of the things that occurs amongst people with diabetes is that they develop foot problems. There are around 600,000 people per year that end up getting a foot ulcer. Of those, about 13% lead to amputation. No one, obviously, wants to lose their foot, so if your doctor has instructed you to buy a pair of shoes, you’d clearly and quickly do just that.
On top of that issue, diabetes can also cause neuropathy, which is not fatal in and of itself, but can be very detrimental to a person’s overall health. Neuropathy occurs when the foot gets weak, experiences sensations of burning, or stinging, as well as tingling sensations, or there is pain in the foot. If it gets bad enough, you could injure your foot and not even know it. It’s awful to think about, but just imagine if you’re brain was not programmed to respond to pain. How would you know that, for example, you should move your hand instead of continuing to touch a burning stove? You wouldn’t, other than experience. In this way, if the problems worsen to a certain degree, you may never even know you are hurt, which is just a downright scary proposition and a terrible way to live.
Another problem that can occur in diabetic people is a condition known as Peripheral Arterial Disease (simply known as PAD). This is the reduction of blood to your feet, and when you combine that with neuropathy, you really don’t have a club as to whether or not you have an issue with an ulcer or some other sort of infection.
Last and not least, diabetes affects the ability of the body to naturally heal itself. That’s one of the major reasons why diabetic patients need to go to such great lengths to ensure that they are staying in good shape. Even the most minor of blisters to me could be a major problem for a person with diabetes because it can take a long, long time to recover from. This is due to a lack of blood and oxygen getting to the extremities, and because of that you can see more swelling or edema in a diabetic person’s foot.
Diabetic shoes, though, can help alleviate some of the issues and concerns that you may have. In addition to that, diabetics are encouraged to get a good podiatrists (foot doctor) that will make sure to look over your feet regularly and ensure you and your family that everything is ‘OK.’ Part of a good, all-around plan of action for you is to have the right footwear, which can greatly reduce your chances of eventually needing an amputation, which is really one of the last resorts any person would ever want to go through.
Do All People with Diabetes Need These Shoes?
The answer is a resounding no here, but that doesn’t mean that you can just regard the question entirely. If a doctor has suggested diabetic shoes, then you would be foolish to ignore that call, of course, but if you have not received that bit of knowledge you might not know how to figure out the answer.
In general, people that have their diabetes under control shouldn’t have to wear them, because they are in better shape. Most commonly this would be younger people, and those that have never had a lot of health problems in general. General health plays a big role in this. Also, if you’ve never had foot problems, then you’re probably going to be just fine to continue to wear normal footwear.
Of course, you might want to read on and look at some of the things we’ll discuss later, because you might want to make sure that you are giving yourself the knowledge and necessary tools to remain healthy while you keep wearing normal shoes going forward.
How to Try On Diabetic Shoes
As a rule of thumb, I never suggest people buy shoes online without trying them on first. Even in the age of Amazon and Google, where there are tens of thousands of reviews about any given number of shoes, you never can tell 100% sure that you are going to fit well into a shoe. That is my general rule for all shoes, so for diabetic shoes I’m going to double down and tell you that you should never, ever, ever buy a pair without trying them on.
If you have gone down this path, it is for a very good reason, and if you ignore that fact and buy a pair without consulting someone or at least trying them on yourself, then you are asking for a headache (at best) or a foot ache at worst.
Please Don’t Try on in the Morning
This tip goes out to the early risers. I’m right with you on that one, but there are just some things you shouldn’t do first thing in the morning. Trying on shoes is one of them. The reason why is because you have just woken up from your slumber, and your feet are the least swollen that they will be all day long. If you do measure them in the morning, what happens is you could very well end up with a poor fit.
The reason why this happens, and it even happens in non-Diabetics as well, is that your feet swell over the course of the day (or during exercise). This means your shoes could end up feeling fine early in the day and then tight later on. As we know, a tight fit can lead to blistering, and that is not desirable, therefore it is best to go later on and TRY them on. Then you can try and buy online, if you so desire.
It’s also a good idea to seek out the help of a good professional to help you with the right sizing. The right size is hard to find, especially if you aren’t the most abled body, and sometimes getting help is the right thing to do. Not everyone at a store will be good help, of course, but you can usually tell fairly quickly if someone is going to be caring enough and knowledgeable enough to help you out on getting the right size. If they don’t seem up to par, then you can move on. Specialized stores that deal with this would be the most ideal place to go to get fitted. Even if you don’t buy from there, you would at least know your true size and be able to go from there.
If you are going in alone, or with a family member of friend, then just know that a good amount of room is needed between your toes and the end of the shoe. The best approximation is to get at least ½ a thumb width, give or take, between your big toe and the end of the shoe. Also make sure there is space between the other toes and the ends as well, because they can give you just as much of a problem as the big toe. Many people tend to overlook those toes, but they are just important, and you don’t want to end up losing any of them, obviously.
Another potential hazard of buying diabetic shoes is going overboard and going too big. Yes, you do want room to be able to move your toes and feet naturally. However, you don’t want to go too far and make a mistake, either, because it can cause you to fall due to losing balance. A shoe that is too large can cause you to slip, which is a potentially ugly sight if you have ever seen one, especially for a person that already has circulation problems. So, just make sure that you have room to move your toes but not too much so that they shift back and forth as you walk.
If you do purchase a shoe and begin the process of getting used to them, you should know very quickly whether or not they are a good ‘fit’ for you. While it might have been a good match at the store, the real test comes when you have bought them and are going about your everyday life’s events. If you find yourself walking, or sitting, or whatever you are doing and notice any irritation, you need to make a change right away.
It would be an excellent idea to wear them for a couple of hours and then look and see what is going on. If you see any red marks, or any problem areas at all, you need to either go back and exchange them or take other means to make adjustments. If you are unable to tell if you are having problems, get a friend to examine your foot and make sure. Health is way more important than wealth, so even if you have to dump the shoes it would be worth it in order to maintain your healthy lifestyle.
Differences Between Normal Shoes and Diabetic Shoes
How are diabetic shoes different, and why is it such a big deal to change my footwear from what I always wear? Do they affect my feet that much?
The answer is clear and simple: yes. Normal footwear, for diabetic patients with more severe issues that have foot problems, will only continue to get more and more foot problems because of wearing normal shoes. The manner in which they are constructed, and the purposes of them just haven’t taken the specific needs of a diabetic patient. Therefore, it is absolutely critical that you take it seriously and make sure that you have footwear that will make you happy and healthy, instead of just getting something ‘cool’ just because you wanted to do so.
Here are the things to look for in a good diabetic shoe. Every single option should have all of these, and if they don’t then you should look elsewhere to find something that will be better protection for you and your most important asset, your body.
The fit of a diabetic shoe is totally different from that of a normal shoe. Normal shoes have a lot of elements that they balance. Style, performance, comfort, you name it, they do it. But diabetic shoes don’t have as much of a problem with that. Instead, they have to hone in on specific issues and help you get through them.
The biggest difference you can see is the fit of the shoe. While normal shoes are made to give you a tighter, more locked-in feel, diabetic shoes are the direct opposite. Instead of being tight to you at all, diabetic shoes are made to give you plenty of room for your feet and toes to move about.
The main way in which they give you this breathing room is by making the toe box much bigger. The toe box is simply the area where the toes reside. Also sometimes call the toe bed, this is just a term to describe where that is. Diabetic shoes, unlike most traditional shoes have a much wider toe box to give you plenty of room so that you don’t bump into anything and develop blisters or ulcers, or other infections, either.
Diabetic shoes also have a toe box that is higher as well, serving to do the same thing as making it wider. Basically, the idea is to make sure you don’t have continued rubbing over and over again that causes you to get injured down the line. Because, obviously, it is so much more difficult to recover from than it would be for a normal person with regular ‘ol health.
Comfort is number one for a person dealing with Diabetes, and that has to be kept in mind at all times. If you were to survey people that bought shoes, they would usually give you other answers about their number one key to buying a shoe. Some would say speed or performance, some would say support, and others would say style and flash. Some might say comfort, but it wouldn’t even come close to what the ratio would (or at least, should) be for diabetic patients.
So, remember take comfort seriously, because if you are comfortable, then you are most likely not going to have as many problems down the line.
Materials Used
The move in recent years for nearly all shoe types has been to use synthetic (man made products) instead of leather for constructing the majority of the shoe. While this is plenty good for ordinary shoes, it is just not good sense for diabetic shoes. Instead, leather is very much preferred and needed.
Leather is very soft, which is exactly what you need in a diabetic shoe more than anything save the wider and bigger fit. Synthetics have gotten so much better over the years, and they will continue to do so, but at the moment it’s just not a confident choice to say without a doubt that they would do a good job for you, so sticking to leather is the suggestion you should be going with. Leather is extremely soft, and also just as crucially, it is stretchable.
Because the whole idea of switching shoes is to reduce possible flare ups of the skin, these two things are massive. You can and will feel a whole safer and better about yourself knowing that the shoes have those built-in features that allow you to breathe and move more freely without risking your health. All of this can be said, but keep in mind that just because it isn’t leather doesn’t make it a bad product. There will be some in the lists that use a non-leather base, and those have done so for specific reasons.
Air Flow and Temperature
Another thing that distinguishes shoes from this generation and those prior is the amount of breathability that has been put into them. Breathability is just a fancy word to describe how well a pair of shoes allows moisture to be dispersed. In modern shoes, breathability is a big, big thing, especially for athletic and active footwear. People want something to make them less warm and less wet, so they turn to this to do the job. While this is a really great thing for normal wearers, it’s even greater for those that have Diabetes.
No, you don’t need them in order to run or jump around necessarily, but you still need them to remain dry and comfortable. Part of being comfortable includes not being damp or the such, so you need the shoes to be able to air out naturally on their own without having to take them off and let them rest for a while, which would negate the purpose of wearing them and only frustrate you over the long haul.
Materials that are best for this sort of thing include mesh that is soft of nature, leather that is perforated, suede, soft synthetic leather (not all synthetics are evil!), canvas, and some textiles that have been engineered with stretch components in them.
Why is it such a big deal to have a shoe composed of those materials? Well, it’s because you want your feel to be both dry and cool. It is essential. Dry feet are much less susceptible to you developing problems in the areas that could have been rubbed raw. Blisters and sores can be developed there if you aren’t careful. To make mattes worse, an non properly aired out shoe can lend itself to bacterial growth, which can present just as much, if not larger, a problem.
Which kinds of shoes should I avoid then, in regards to air flow? Anything made of harder material should be an immediate trouble sign for you and must be avoided.
Plastic does not allow the foot to breathe, and the longer it is wore, the worse it is on you and the more its dangerous effect adds up. Typically used a short cut to lessen costs, harder materials can cause chafing and blistering, which we already know presents a myriad of problems for the Diabetic. You can steer clear of that by avoiding plastic materials, no matter how good of a deal they might seem to be for you. Boots should also go on the list because they are heavier, and thus add heat. In fact, all heavier options are probably not good ones for you because no matter how good or bad the ventilation is, the easier it will be for you to not get aired out in the proper manner.
Best Diabetic Shoes Reviews
We are about to start our reviews now. Just a note before we begin. These are the most popular options on the market. Remember, if you have been prescribed a specific pair, you should probably listen to your doctor and get those. At any rate, we are going to split the list into men’s and women’s because while each are made for the same purpose, the styles can be quite a bit different, and we don’t want to make it seem like you have to wear a men’s loafer, ladies, or vice versa for the men!
1. Propet Women’s Travelactive Slip-On
If you are looking for something a little bit more stylish and you like to be on the go a little more than most, then this is a good shoe to consider.
Coming in a number of colors to help you show off and match with just about anything you have in your wardrobe, these shoes just plain out look classy. They are extremely lightweight and flexible on the outside, something that is very much appreciated for the diabetic patient. Coming with a rubber sole, they will do their best to provide you traction on a number of terrains. Like all good diabetic shoes, they do run big and wide.
However, they don’t have the deepest of depths in them, so that could be an issue for those with moderate to severe cases. For those like that, these might not be the best option for you. Another major place of these shoes is the fact that they are slip-ons, which means you don’t have to worry about tying your shoes and all that jazz. Just one less thing to have to worry about as you go about your day.
- Very wide and big
- Good for walking and being more active
- Slip-ons make life much easier
- Not the deepest of depths
- Harder to fit orthotics because of that fact
- Not for very strenuous activity.
2. Orthofeet Women’s Ortho Diabetic Athletic
Another shoe that would be good for those that are a little bit more active, this athletic sneaker is a good choice for those that want something that is little bit more all-around coverage. While the Propet would be more for light duty, this shoe could stand up to more than that. And you don’t have to sacrifice too much, either. These also look very good in a few different colors as well, much like the above choice.
These shoes are designed to help you be as comfortable as possible and have a number of solutions to problems that you might be facing in addition to diabetes. These shoes have been shown to work well for those with Arthritis as well, so that is a big plus to have in your corner. In addition to looking nice, these shoes have extra room both in the toe box and they also have more depth, like you would expect and need them to have. A plus as well for these is that they will allow you to bring in your own inserts, so that is a major positive to look at.
Some of the potential pit falls for you include the fact that they do have laces. You would have to maintain that should you buy them, and that is just a no for some people. Another issue is price. These are a little expensive, but you are getting something that will do well for you, so if it helps fix the issues it is well worth the money laid down for them.
- Good for active lifestyle
- Also helps with Arthritis
- Look really nice
- Has shoelaces
- Little bit more expensive
3. New Balance Women’s WW877-SB
One thing that has to be said about New Balance is the fact that they are almost always comfortable. You can say what you will about the looks of their regular line of shoes, but they have a loyal following for a reason, and they show why with shoes like the WW877-SB. This shoe looks great, yes it really does, with gray and an offsetting Carolina Blue to make it stand out just a little bit.
Coming in at a medium price range, they give you all sorts of great features above just the looks, including the mesh and suede upper that it is made of. The two materials together have combined to yield a very soft and comfortable shoe that will help out someone with Diabetes.
The midsole also has something that a lot of Diabetic shoes just won’t have, and that is an absorbing midsole. While any good diabetic shoe does have a soft touch there, these aren’t just soft, but they absorb impact as well. This means, if you are in really good shape, you could run in them. Of course, like the others they come with a much wider toe box. The depth is deep enough as well to accommodate an insert easily, so if you just feel like you need additional or different support, then that is the way to go with it.
A possible downer is the shoestrings. Not only do they have them, but they also have been considered to be a bother because they are too long for some people. They also do have issues splitting at the top after a while, so prolonged use might be a problem.
- Reasonable, mid-range price
- Nice color design
- Good for athletic use
- Shoestrings are annoying
- Upper can split after a lot of use
4. Propet Women’s Cronus Comfort Sneaker
When you think of diabetic shoes, this is more the kind of look that you’d be expecting, but that isn’t a negative on this list. Yes, on most lists, this one probably wouldn’t be around due to the style and look, but this list is about a lot more than that, and the Cronus is here because it does a great job of protecting people from injury. Made totally from neoprene, a synthesized rubber, this one does a good job at being very soft and flexible.
Flexibility is one of the main things that it brings, no matter what the temperature is, and that’s why it is such a desirable material. So to put it mildly, comfort is #1 by a country mile as far as this shoe is concerned because it will stretch, stretch, and stretch some more. For the worst of cases, this is the shoe to turn to. The above shoes are realistically for people that are in pretty good shape relatively speaking, but these are for people that really need to be protected around the clock while remaining comfortable.
Despite how soft the feel is and how flexible they are, they have a rubber sole that is very firm on the ground to help you walk inside and outside if necessary. You won’t have to worry about basically wearing cotton on your feet, which could be a worry if you just saw the tops of them only. They run big and wide, but if you are experiencing more swelling on a given day, they can be adjusted even further for you to make sure you don’t have any problems as you go about your day.
People have seen problems with the Velcro in the back not wanting to snap on correctly as well as some sliding when using walkers and/or canes as well.
- Very flexible and thus comfortable
- Rubber sole still hard enough for walking outside
- Good for people in pretty rough shape
- Velcro in the back sometimes hard to tighten
- Not for use with walkers or canes
5. Propet Women’s Mary Jane Walker
Propet’s third entry on the women’s top five comes in the form of the Mary Jane, a classy look designed for those that want to be a little more feminine and less athletic.
Coming in four different colors, that we can tell, these shoes bring a little more grace to the equation, though they don’t look the best if you compare them to normal shoes, it must be said. They are made from 100% leather and they look like they have a high heel in the back, but in reality they don’t and instead just have a bit of a raised one to give you a certain kind of look. It also is there in order to give you an ‘internal heel counter’ that increases the amount of comfort and padding inside greatly for the wearer.
One of the best things about them is the Velcro strap across the upper part of the shoe that will help you have both convenience and comfort as well. The toes are rounded, and one of the main issues is that they do run a little narrow. So if there are issues like neuropathy that are escalating for you, it may be wise to steer clear of this pair. But if you don’t have huge issues and want something where you can easily replace the insoles and find comfort, then this is the shoe for you.
They also are a heavier option, as you can tell just by looking at them, so they will not be a great fit for everyone.
- Elegant look and style
- Comfortable heel
- Velcro strap across the middle
- A little heavier than some would desire
- Runs narrow
- Also runs a little small
6. Orthofeet Diabetic Gramercy Men’s Dress Shoes
Topping the list for the men’s category is the Orthofeet Gramercy. One thing that you notice right away about these is that they look JUST like a normal pair of dress shoes. For those that want to look stylish and not bring attention to their condition, this is a great option to have up your sleeve.
Coming with its own orthotic support inside, you get the comfort of an insert without having to bring one with you. And honestly, it’s a good thing that you do because these shoes does run quite expensive in relative terms to others on the list, and it’s a good thing to have that included considering that price. They come in a two colors, brown and black, and each look genuinely classy.
They are made from leather, giving you a plush feeling to help you experience as much comfort as possible. The toe box is also very roomy, and there is a lot of depth to them as well, which allows you to bring over your own orthotic if you do choose to go that route. These are excellent for standing on all day if you have Diabetic issues as well, with many stating they were the most comfortable shoes they’ve ever had.
Another major plus is that the rubber soles do not make a lot of noise, something that has been a common problem for nice shoe wearers the world over. They also have helped people with other issues, chiefly Plantar Fascittis, so they aren’t all one dimensional!
- Nice dressy shoes to wear
- Don’t make a lot of noise
- Comes with its own insert
- Expensive price to pay
- Some complain that they run small for them
7. Hush Puppies Men’s Gil Slip-On
Coming in a number of different colors, the Gil Slip-On from Hush Puppies continues their tradition of giving fashionable and useful shoes to the world. Coming in two different widths, they are available to be bought by people that need even more room than they might otherwise would.
Another major plus for these shoes is that they are made from 100% leather and thus have a lot of comfort. But the bottom is made from synthetic material to help you get traction and durability as well.
This pair of shoes is lightweight, but they also offer up a lot of bang for your buck in regards to the outsole. You’d think by looking at them that they don’t offer a lot, but these have a lot of shock absorbing qualities built in, which is not a common thing to see in Diabetic shoes. Because of that, you might just be able to do a lot more activity and be up and about more than you otherwise would be able to manage on a daily basis.
One of the easiest features included is the hook-and-loop closure used. It’s not Velcro, but it is pretty close and just about as easy as Velcro would be, meaning you won’t have to worry about tying shoelaces or anything like that. The footbed, which is not quite as wide as other Diabetic shoes but still wider than most, is made up of EVA. This is a very soft material that breathes well, so it should do a great job for you. IF not, it can be replaced with your own insole.
They are at a medium price range, but it must be said that these are best for those that do not have a lot of neuropathy. Keep that in mind as you shop.
- Shoes look really great
- Excellent traction in both wet and dry conditions
- Hook-and-loop makes it much easier to put on and get on the go
- Not great for those with a lot of neuropathy
- Can be a little loose feeling due to just having the one ‘strap’
8. Dr. Comfort Carter Men’s Casual Shoe
If you are someone that really needs extra help with getting a good fit on their feet, then the Dr. Comfort Carter could be just what you need. While it lacks the style of the two above, it still packs quite a substantive punch with plenty of features to keep you happy and upright.
One of the things that you notice straight away is that there is a Velcro enclosure and a place to pull at the heel as well. This aids tremendously when getting them on. The biggest and most important thing, though, might just be the Lycra used. Lycra is an extremely flexible material that is used in things like yoga pants, so it gives a lot of stretch whenever it is used. This is why the Dr. Comfort shoes can be called that, at least in this instance!
Coming in a number of widths, all of which can be adjusted due to the Velcro, this shoe gives a range of options to provide for you or your loved one as they deserve to be. They are large enough not only for you to include inserts, but also to accommodate other things, like braces and AFO’s (ankle-foot orthosis). And really, they don’t look all that bad, either, save for the Velcro, which really you can’t do all that much about with a product in this particular sector.
They do run a little bit pricey, it must be said, but it is a therapeutic shoe and has special purposes in it. Another possible problem to overcome is the tongue, which can irritate, but for many it has been shown to be just fine.
- Lycra increases flexibility and comfort
- Can fit inserts and medical devices
- Velcro and heel enclosure help greatly
- A little expensive
- Lacks a bit in style
- Tongue can be an irritant
9. Foamtreads Men’s Extra Depth Wool Slippers
Want a slipper but have concerns about not having the necessary width or depth that you need? Worry no more, because Foamtreads has a solution for you with these slippers.
For one, it has to be said that they just look cool. They flat look makes them look low-profile, even with the Velcro going across the middle part of the shoe to help secure you in. They come in a number of colors and the fabric used to make it is very bendy and flexible for you to remain comfortable in.
However, the sole is rubber, meaning you will have the traction that you need as you go about life inside, while refusing to mark up the place as well. The heel also has an enclosure on this pair of shoes, which helps a lot in terms of being able to adjust and give you more options to increase your level of comfort. While these are good shoes, by all means, it must be said that they are slippers and aren’t meant to be worn in an environment where you will be standing all day.
This is for casual time, so be aware. Another potential downer is the Velcro straps have given way, forcing users and wearers to improvise. That’s far from ideal, so it might be worth a think.
- Very classy look for a slipper with Velcro
- Flexible and easy to bend
- Good inside shoe
- Not for a lot of outside use or standing all day
- Velcro straps can wear out over time
10. Propet Men’s Life Walker Strap Sneaker
Once again Propet has made a return to the list, and it concludes the men’s section here with a ‘sneaker’.
One thing that you will notice right off the bat is a direct approach from the other four shoes in the men’s group. This shoe has two Velcro enclosures to it, increasing your ability to feel locked in and secure. Both of them are adjustable as well, increasing the range of your comfort. Say one place is more swollen than another, then you can tighten down one and leave the other as is.
The collar and tongue are each padded to further serve to build the level of comfort, while the heel has a contoured stabilizer that works in conjunction with the Velcro. The inside comes with a cushioned orthotic, but it can be removed if you wish to replace it with your own.
It does not have the widest of toe boxes built in, though, so that is one thing that could stop you from considering it seriously. The stitching also can begin to tear, so that is an issue as well as the relatively poor looks of them.
- Two Velcro straps to secure you
- Heel stabilizer comforts and locks you in place
- Mid-range price
- Stitches can tear
- Not the widest of toe boxes
Conclusion and Final Diabetic Shoes Recommendations
Whether you are new to the thought of having to buy shoes for diabetes or not, the task can seem like a daunting one to undertake. While there are always variables to weigh with any shoe- or clothing option- the variables are much more important and have higher stakes when it comes to Diabetic shoes. It is vital to make sure that you have the right feel and that you remain protected. And part of that is acknowledging where you are at with your disease.
Some of the options above are for people that are managing it well, while others are for people that just aren’t doing it well and have a lot of neuropathy or other issues. Identifying that you have an issue is the first big step on the way to getting yourself the right pair of shoes and being happy over the long haul as a result of that. Here are some FAQ’s that will help answer any lingering questions that you may have about the products.
Frequently Asked Questions About Diabetic Shoes
Are Diabetic Shoes More Expensive?
This is a common question, and there is no good answer for it in truth. Diabetic shoes come in all kinds of styles and colors, and just like that fact, they also come in a wide array of prices as well. Some are more expensive than others, maybe because of brand name or style, while others are cheaper because they might not be as well known, or maybe they are on clearance. Just like anything in life and shopping, a more expensive price tag doesn’t guarantee you better results.
However, there is an old axiom in life that says you get what you pay for, so if something seems a little too good to be true, it probably is, and thus you should have a hard think about steering clear of it as a result. Also, depending on whether your doctor has prescribed you a pair or not, Medicare and/or other forms of insurance may be able to help you with all or part of the bill, so you should have a way to always have good protection for your feet without going broke.
When Should I Wear My Shoes?
It may not be a popular response, but a good answer is all of the time. Maybe not in bed, but other than that, you should really consider wearing them at all times. The reason for this is very simple: they are for protection. You wouldn’t be here reading this right now if either you or a close family member or friend was afflicted by this disease. You obviously care, and you want to take care of your feet, and you just can’t do that if you aren’t wearing the shoes. The higher the degree of foot problems you have as a result of your diabetes, the more critical it is that you wear them all the time.
Yes, this includes if you are sitting down. You never know when getting up could cause a problem, and it’s not out of the realm of possibility that something could fall on you. Any number of things could occur, so it is best to just be safe and wear them as much as you can.
What Types of Shoes Should I Not Wear?
Diabetic patients should never wear the following types of shoes: flip flops, sandals, or anything with straps.
The reason for this is very simple: they don’t cover up your feet at all, and thus they leave them vulnerable to things that fall and to bumping them up against objects around the house. Shoes that have a pointed toe are also discouraged because they can further restrict your circulation, which can give you major problems when you already have reduced blood flow. High heels, or anything that is ‘heel,’ for that matter are also a no-go, as well as those that don’t fit well or those that offer no arch support.
A lack of arch support, which occurs in high heels- they are well off the ground, after all- can have a lingering impact on the tissue in your foot. Once you lose tissue, as neuropathy shows, you just don’t get that back. So this is very much discouraged for you.
When Do I Know to Replace My Shoes?
Because of the unique challenges presented to those of us with Diabetes, replacing shoes at the right time is paramount to remaining healthy and happy. The things to look for include: the inner lining tearing, the middle part of the shoe wearing down, and the heel starting to wear. If you see any peeling at all, it’s a sign that you need to get a new pair immediately. Unlike with regular shoes, you might not have the time to wait and ride it out for a little while longer.
My Shoes Won’t Break In, What Can I Do?
This is a problem that can occur in diabetic shoes, though most try their best to fix this problem. One of the things you never want to have to do is break in shoes as a diabetic. It’s annoying for normal shoe wearers, no doubt, but it is not a catastrophe. It can be that for diabetic wearers, however, because you need that comfort level and support to be a ten out of ten right away.
If for some reason, you just don’t get that right out of the gate, no matter if it fit well in the store of whatever the case may be, you can find shoe stretchers for sale. These stretchers will help make the shoes less tight on you, and they should give you the space that you need in order to feel much happier.