11 Best Sandals for Bunions of 2021

Best Sandals for Bunions

Bunions, as you can imagine or already know all too well, are absolutely no fun to put up with.  Not only are they painful, but they also can be disgusting and literally can ruin your daily living routine.  Today, we are going to be looking at ways to live with them, as unfortunate as it may be that you have them.  We’ll be looking at sandals that will help you do so.  By getting the right pair of sandals, you can help ease the pain and suffering, leading to you being able to breathe much easier all day long.  In fact, your symptoms might even improve with the right pair of shoes, so that’s something you should be looking to!  In our guide today, we’ll break down all you need to know about bunions, all you need to know about sandals to curb their development, and also reviewing some of the best and most popular pairs on the market.  Let’s get you some relief!

Top Sandals for Bunions Comparison Chart

ProductMaterialPriceWhere to Buy?
1. Clark’s Women’s Breeze Sea Flip FlopsSynthetic$$$Check Price On Amazon
2. Plaka Palm Leaf Women’s Flat SandalsNylon/Rubber$$Check Price On Amazon
3. Merrell Women’s Hollyleaf SandalsLeather & Foam$$$Check Price On Amazon
4. Merrell Women’s Terran Post II SandalsLeather,Mesh,Microfiber$$$$Check Price On Amazon
5. Taos Footwear Women’s Gift 2 SandalsLeather$$$$Check Price On Amazon
6. Merrell Women’s Terran Ari Wrap Sport SandalsLeather & Textile$$$$Check Price On Amazon
7. KINOW Women’s Platform Wedge Bunion SandalsLeather $Check Price On Amazon
8. Softome Women’s Wedge Toe Ring SandalsSynthetic $$Check Price On Amazon
9. KneaBorn Womens Bunion Corrector SandalsSynthetic $$Check Price On Amazon
10. Athlefit Women’s Comfy Bunion SandalsSynthetic $Check Price On Amazon
11. Vive Bunion Brace and CorrectorCloth $Check Price On Amazon

Sandals for Bunions Buying Guide

What Causes Bunions

Before we can get into specifics about footwear, it’s wise that we take a look at what exactly causes bunions to form.  Knowing this might just help you understand why you need better footwear and why sandals can help, so it’s just good, general information to know and take a good look at.  First and foremost, we need to look at what a bunion is.  A bunion is defined, by the Mayo Clinic, as a “bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of your big toe.”  This means it is basically a deformity of the bone joint.  This can be caused a number of ways.  One of them is simply through genetics.  Some of us are more prone than others to this, so even if you do everything perfectly, you could still end up with a bunion.  For other people, it is either injury or years of wear and tear that cause them to form.  Oftentimes, this wear and tear is a result of wearing shoes that do not fit very well on you.  Anytime you make a consistent motion that is not natural to the body, or you have untold pressure placed upon the big toe that makes it point toward the other toes, then this will form.

Painful and Annoying

One of the things that most people cannot stand, and will quickly note about bunions, is that they are extremely painful to deal with.  When you think about it, it’s not hard to see why.  Your big toe’s joint is being pulled in such a way that is simply not natural.  That’s just not how your body is supposed to be set up, so of course you end up experiencing a great deal of pain as a result of it.  The annoying part of it is that for many people it is “chronic.”  That is a word you never want to hear in the medical world, since it means that the condition could stick with you for your entire life.  It’s not going to kill you, but it’s going to annoy you and hold you back for a long, long time.  So, the best way to go about your life is to try and do something to help aid you.  Sandals are a very nice way to start.

How To Ease Bunions

For many people, just easing their bunion pain is what they want to do.  They don’t want to go overboard with going to surgery right away, so they look toward other options first, which is very prudent.  Surgery is certainly not something that you just want to rush into without thought.  There are a few things you can do to help your bunions, and here’s a look at some steps you can take:

– Manage your weight.  It should go without saying that the more weight you have on you, the more pressure there is.  You don’t have to lose 50 lbs, but you do need to make sure you aren’t yo-yoing or being wholly unhealthy.

– Using ibuprofen can be a godsend.  Anytime you can get your hands on an anti-inflammatory drug can be good for you.  It will help that some of the sting out by reducing the swelling.

– Shoe inserts can be just what you need.  Some of the time, you just don’t get any support, so having an insert could be the answer you’ve been craving to negate that and turn your shoe experience around.

– Pampering your feet is never a bad idea, either.  You can use things like ice packs or soaking your feet in hot water.  This might seem elementary, but it’s a lot like using ibuprofen and will help reduce the swelling while also making you feel good all over.

– Get the right footwear.  That’s why we are really here after all!

What Types of Shoes Help With Bunions?

As we talked about above, there are a lot of things that can cause bunions to form.  Pressure is one of the things that ends up causing them to get going, and that is often caused by a lack of a good fit on from your shoes.  Shoes that have pointed toes, for example, are awful for you.  High heels are also a recipe for disaster if you are not used to wearing them or wear them way too much.  Certain sports and activities are also a big, big problem for you to deal with as well.  They can cause you to get bunions, even if you have never been kicked or stepped on before.  So, what then do you need to do in order to combat the growth and proliferation of bunions?  Unlike a lot of the shoes we talked about above, you have to get a pair of shoes that have plenty of room, have no or very little heel to them, and shoes that are comfortable.  This is one of the reasons why sandals are going to be the way for you to go in this endeavor.  They have plenty of room for your toes to maneuver as they are supposed to do so, and they also are usually very comfortable, provided you find the right pair.  Sandals are not the only type of footwear that can be useful for fighting against bunions, but you can count on them to be among the best at it, and thus that’s why we are discussing them today.

Shoes To Avoid

We won’t harp on it too much, but we should take a look at some of the shoes that you should NOT be wearing if you have bunions or want to prevent them from occurring.  Here is brief look so that you know what not to do:

– Shoes that are pointy are a huge no.  These shoes are going to place a ton of emphasis on the big toe and will cause a lot of rubbing and irritation.  We know that they look stylish and outside of the box, but they will be very damaging to you.

– Shoes that place pressure on areas that are not natural also should be avoided.  These types of shoes don’t even have to heap pressure on the big toe, either.  They can just simply be shoes that are stronger in one area than another, which forces your body to adjust and can account for and lead to a bunion’s formation.

– Any shoes that are too narrow.  You really need to have generous and spacious shoes, especially in the toe areas.  You are used to hearing about length, but you also have to have the right width, too, to help ward off bunions and their disastrous effects.

Telling Sandals Apart

One of the things that a lot of people will end up doing is assuming that all sandals are going to be just alike.  That, however, is a big, big mistake to make.  Just because a few pairs of sandals look the same does not mean they are.  They could have plenty of room, be comfy, and the check all of the other boxes, yet they may not measure up.  What you’ve got to do is take a long, hard look into it.  Because they are not all the exact same.  If you are going to be doing more activity in your sandals, then you need to pay extra special attention to selecting them.  If that’s the case, you need to make sure that you have something that absorbs shocks very well.  Walking, even if it doesn’t sound too strenuous, still places a lot of pressure upon the joints and bones.  That’s not going to lead you to feeling very comfy if you don’t have anything beneath you to release the pain and pressure just a bit.

Comfort vs Support

Another central issue you should be made aware of is that of comfort and support.  Both words sound similar, and they can be very closely related, but they are not the same thing.  Comfort is going to be an expression of how you feel about a pair of shoes when you have them on.  A pair of shoes can usually be slipped on and you can tell right away if they are comfy to you or not.  Some are going to hurt right away, while others will be neutral, and still yet others will be plush and feel like you’ve landed with both feet in heaven.  While you want the latter, that’s not always going to lend itself to a good pair of shoes.  That’s because you’ve also got to have support.  Support is also comfort, but it is long lasting comfort.  Support is best told as that feeling at the end of the day when your feet are NOT hurting.  We’ve all been there where we had shoes that felt good while they were on us, maybe even for a few hours, but they ended up hurting us.  Maybe that’s what originally caused your bunion, in fact!  The way to get around this issue is to make sure you have good, supportive materials beneath you.  Not all shoes are the same.  Generally, a pair of flatter shoes will not be as good when it comes to support, but it really just depends.  The brand also plays a role, so keep that in mind as well.

Getting the Right Size

There are a few factors and tenants that you must abide by in order to get the utmost out of your footwear, and one of them has to do with making sure you have plenty of room to give your bunions some relief.  With that said, you can’t have plenty of room without size, so we are going to take a look at making sure you have the right sizing so that you don’t find yourself in for a rude awakening.  Here are some tips to help you navigate the potentially harsh waters of fitting yourself:

– Try and make sure you have sized yourself fairly recently.  This does not mean taking out your favorite pair of shoes and assuming you’ll be that size in all pairs.  That is not true and could end up causing you a ton of pain.

– Go in store to try on some pairs if possible.  This is not as common nowadays, due to the internet, of course, but it’s still very useful.  It helps you compare brands to each other and it also shows you what you like and dislike about certain shoes.

– Be super careful when ordering online.  The thing you will want to do is to make sure that you read over all sizing information that the seller has up.  This can sometimes be easy to find, but it can also be difficult to find in some instances.  Some sellers are not always American, so it will take some conversion on your end to get the right size.  The best way to do this is to take a look at the chart and see how you measure up.  Taking a look at others’ feedback is also very important as well.  That can let you know if they generally run large or small, so that can save you from being uncomfortable and frustrated, to say the least.

– Don’t forget the width.  Yes, the length is essential, but remember that the point of the sandals is to help you avoid the negatives of bunions.  You can’t really do that without ample room, so you need to make sure you have plenty of width and that your toes have space.  Especially the big toe, where the problem is coming from!


While comfort, pain relief, and support are the three most crucial parts of picking out the right pair of sandals for you, we’d be remiss to not mention style.  No one is going to wear something that sticks out for all of the wrong reasons.  If the shoes just don’t look very good, are we likely to wear them?  The honest answer is a big, fact, resounding ‘NO.’  Style comes down to a few things.  Some people will prefer the traditional sandal, while others will want to go with a flip flop.  Another aspect, of course, is the color that you choose.  Having a plethora of colors to pick from when shopping for a particular pair is really nice, so usually the ones that offer more choices are the ones you’ll be happiest with.  At any rate, don’t totally forget to think about style, since you will be making an investment and will need to get the most out of them.  You won’t if you absolutely hate the way they look, no matter how great they feel!

Brands, Price, and Durability

The brand that you end up buying will say a lot about how well the shoe performs, how long it lasts, and will also have a say over the ultimate price as well.  All of these things are connected, and it’s important to make note of that so that you know what you want and what you need (as well as what you don’t want or need).  Our list has a range of options below, with well-known brands that are relatively expensive and then very cheap, unknown brands that can save you some money.  There are advantages and disadvantages to each.  The pros of a brand that you know and trust is that they will usually be higher quality and have more durability to them, though the downside is that they will cost more.  The advantage to going with a cheaper pair is that you can get a great deal and save some of those green things in your wallet.  The issue, though, will be that you won’t get as much durability.  You may well end up getting a decent amount of quality, but a lot of times they just will not hold up as long.  So that is just something you’ll have to weigh and make a call on your own about!

An Aside

Before we get started with our reviews, we should point out the obvious below.  There are no men’s selections here.  One of the main reasons for that is that women’s shoes dominate the marketplace.  Women buy the majority of shoes, even for their spouse, so this is not really a surprise.  There are options out there for men, but it’s tougher to find them.  So don’t give up if that’s what you feel you need!

The Top Ten Sandals for Bunions in 2019 Reviews

  1. Clark’s Women’s Breeze Sea Flip Flops

This is one of the top rated flip flops online, and it is quite easy to see why that is the case. These synthetic sandals are made to be super comfortable and adjustable, using a thong strap that you can tailor yourself in any fashion you like. This is really a huge deal since most of those do not allow you to adjust.  It’s an ever bigger deal for those with bunions since you can’t afford any irritation to take place.  This makes sure you can alter the feel if you don’t like the way it is headed.  They come in a number of colors, have a nice, thick footbed, and are also super lightweight.  While these may not be the all-time best pair of shoes for someone that is going to be constantly walking, they are certainly brilliant for leisure and letting those bunions get a bit of relief


  • Light and sporty
  • Adjustable strap
  • Great for leisure time


  • Might not be best for long or constant walks
  1. Plaka Palm Leaf Women’s Flat Sandals

One of the things that you have to have in a shoe that helps control bunions is something that is flat. These sandals take that to the extreme, placing you right on the ground but doing so with exquisite style. These sandals come in an array of colors and are handmade as well as vegan friendly, which is going to appeal to a certain crowd for sure.  With ropes all around, too, there is support there and also a way to help ‘correct’ the toe just a bit if you have bunions.  On top of all of that, they are great for all sorts of leisure, including being in and around water.  They are water resistant, which means you can go out on the lake wearing them and have no issues whatsoever.  Despite how they look, they even have a really reasonable price, too, though they aren’t ‘cheap.’  Definitely something nice that will make a lady smile (that’s a hint for you guys reading!).


  • Vegan-friendly makeup
  • Ropes make them fashionable and supportive
  • Resists water
  1. Merrell Women’s Hollyleaf Sandals

Merrell is a huge player in the world of shoes, so it’s no shock at all to see them make the list. And it won’t be the only time, either. The Hollyleaf sandals are a pair of ‘toe ring’ sandals that allow you to slide your big toe through, thus making them great for holding your toe in place and supporting you if you have a bunion.  But that’s not all they are good for.  With a midsole that is made out of memory foam, you’ll be comfortable all day and will have it last as you take them off, too.  The footbed is laced with microfiber to ensure a soft touch and that you don’t sweat way too much, while the outsole has an excellent traction compound to it that will help you keep on your feet regardless of the terrain.  With a number of colors to pick from as well, there is something for just about everyone.  The main issue you will find with these is the price, so that’s a bit of a downer.


  • Memory foam for comfort and support
  • Microfiber footbed
  • Great traction compound


  • A little expensive for many
  1. Merrell Women’s Terran Post II Sandals

Merrell comes back onto the list here with a second consecutive offering, this time with a similar but still different approach. These sandals are also made with the ‘toe ring’ construction, though they have some other things that set them apart from the Hollyleaf. While the Hollyleaf is comfortable, these go a degree further in terms of shock absorption, giving you a lot of that in the heels thanks to the use of air cushioning.  This increases the stability of the foot, which is a good thing no matter what kind of condition you may have going on, including bunions.  They also have ‘remember me foam,’ too, so that is very much akin to what we saw above as it’s going to be super soft all day long.  One of the things you’ll most appreciate, particularly if you are outside a bunch, is that they are very, very breathable.  The mesh lining helps with that, while the microfiber footbed also brings that to the table.  Like the earlier one, they are a bit pricey, so keep that in mind.


  • Very breathable sandals
  • Remember me foam for support and comfort
  • Cushioned heels


  • Pricey
  1. Taos Footwear Women’s Gift 2 Sandals

Taos blocks our ‘monopoly’ of sorts here at #5 with a pair of shoes that will stand out for you. They do so at a high cost, however, so that should be stated early on. The thing that is different between these and the rest of the list (as well as most sandals) is that they are made out of leather, which helps explain why they do cost more.  This means they will last longer and they will have a classier look, but you have to maintain it more than other materials, so that is a potential draw back.  The level of support is high, with both the arches and the metatarsals (your toe area) having a lot built in.  For obvious reasons, that’s going to be helpful for your bunion.  The toe ring design is also nice since it locks your toe in but doesn’t do so by applying untold pressure and causing you to be ultra restricted.  They’ve also got an antimicrobial shield to help guard against fungus and bacteria, too!


  • Leather looks great and lasts a long, long time
  • High level of support
  • Resists fungus and bacteria


  • High cost
  • Harder to maintain
  1. Merrell Women’s Terran Ari Wrap Sport Sandals

Merrell comes back to the list for the final time here with this ‘sporty’ offering. These sandals are like the Terran Post II, but they do have some changes to them that make them better for certain people. One of the changes they have is that they are made out of neoprene to increase the comfort by offering you more padding than the others bring.  They’ve also got a slight half an inch rise in the heels, which helps to take pressure off that spot and helps as you walk by giving you shock absorption.  With an upper made out of leather and woven materials, you get a nice, strong blend that will last a long time and support you.  The footbed is made out of EVA, which helps do a couple of things.  One of them is to give excellent cushioning and support, but the other is to reduce the weight.  The negative to look at with these is the price, which is pretty high up there on the charts.


  • More padding than others
  • EVA lightens the load and provides support
  • Strong materials


  • Pricey choice
  1. KINOW Women’s Platform Wedge Bunion Sandals

If you’d like to take a bit of flier and go for something a little cheaper that people are raving about, then this could be the way to go for you. These sandals come in a range of colors, all of which can be used to help mix and match with your clothing. With leather up top, they are flexible but durable, while the midsole is made out of moderately thick EVA, which is going to help you get a lot more comfort by being able to absorb shocks well.  Because of the shape they have made them in, it even looks like a raised version of a bunion corrector, too, so it’s almost like you are getting a two for one with this choice.  If you want something for a lower price and want to look nice when it’s warm out, it’s hard to overlook this pair!


  • Two in one package
  • Flexible and durable materials
  • EVA helps reduce the load


  • Quality may be a little lacking
  1. Softome Women’s Wedge Toe Ring Sandals

Another pair that is going to leave your wallet very happy, these from Softome are also going to make that with a more eccentric personality stand out and be the center of attention. These have a number of very flashy styles, including a leopard print, that are sure to make you grab the headlines, so to speak. With a bit of a platform makeup, though just at ¾ of an inch, they are able to be fashionable and absorb shocks while taking a bit of pressure off the mid foot.  In the fore foot, they have the toe ring design to help hold the big toe in place, much like the previous offering was able to do.  One of the best things is that they are ergonomic, which means they shape well to the specific foot.  It’s not always the case with shoes, so when you see this, it’s a major plus sign for sure!


  • Absorbs shocks well
  • Very flashy designs
  • Conforms to your foot


  • Quality may lack a bit
  1. KneaBorn Womens Bunion Corrector Sandals

If you want to back to a flatter way of walking with your shoes, then look no further. These shoes are made to be stylish in terms of being a sandal while also acting as a corrector by holding the toe in place, though without a ton of pressure. The upper is made out of synthetic materials, but that’s not all bad since they are easier to clean and also supports reasonably well and is able to last.  The base of the shoes, despite them being flat, are made out of EVA, which is a godsend in the world of shoes since it does such a good job at giving you cushion without overdoing your weight.  This is a brand new company, though it does offer great customer service, so there may be a hold up or two with them right out of the gate.


  • Very stylish yet simple
  • Two in one design
  • Light EVA rubber base
  1. Athlefit Women’s Comfy Bunion Sandals

Coming in last on our list is a pair of sandals made to make you feel more athletic and sporty. This offering is composed out of a synthetic sole and is the highest platform wedge we have seen at over an inch of height. It’s not outrageous, but that is significant and should be noted.  The toe ring design, as we’ve seen consistently throughout the list, is there to hold the toe into place without applying too much pressure on the very vulnerable spot you have developed.  Meanwhile, the faux leather looks great, though it’s just in one color, and will be easier to clean and maintain.  The biggest issue that these face is that they don’t offer a lot of support in the mid foot, which has left people sore.  They also are quite sweaty as well, which is not going to be fun to deal with on a warm summer day.


  • Low price option
  • Easy to clean
  • Platform wedge sticks out


  • Sweats a lot
  • Not a lot of support given

Honorable Mention: Vive Bunion Brace and Corrector

We decided to throw this one here in this spot, mainly because it is not a pair of sandals.  Rather, it’s a corrector that you put on your feet that will help to reverse some of the effects that come from bunions.  While this is not going to go so well with sandals, it’s a good choice to go with a pair of closed toe shoes, such as tennis shoes or the like.  Many question how much they help once you take them off, but there is no doubt that devices like this can help aid you while you have them on!

Conclusion And Final Sandals for Bunions Recommendations

Finding anything online nowadays is never as easy as it may appear to be.  Sure, there are hundreds and thousands, possibly even more, items to pick from.  That is a both a blessing and a curse to us, as we have to comb through so many items and information as well.  Rather than force you to pick one basically at random, we have put it all in one place for you instead.  This way, you will know what you should be looking for and to have some ideas of where to go once you decide to get a pair of sandals.  After taking a look at our reviews, you’ll now have a definite jumping off point to begin your search!

FAQ’s About Sandals for Bunions

Is Surgery The Only Fix?

No, surgery is not the only fix!  There are a lot of people that will believe as much, but that is just not the case.  In fact, it is a last resort.  Surgery is hardly ever the first option to turn to, and it’s definitely not going to be the first thing you and your doctor will wanna go with.  There are all sorts of ways to go about helping your bunions.  Small things like taping and braces, as well as getting the proper footwear can go a long, long way toward you getting ‘fixed up,’ if you will!

What About High Heels?

In our reviews above, we had a couple of choices that were higher than others, but in general there was a common theme to our shoes.  They were low to the ground and offered a ton of room and comfort.  Podiatrists (foot doctors) and experts recommend that you steer clear of any shoes that have a heel height of two inches or more.  This is a sure fire way for you to have more pain in your feet, so it’s best to get around that by wearing something closer to the ground.  Heels apply pressure to the joint in that big toe, making the pain greater and causing the cycle to heat up.  So just circumvent the issue by not wearing heels, and you’ll be good to go!

Are Straps Good or Bad?

If you have seen some information online, you may be led to believe that straps are absolutely no good at all for you if you have bunions.  However, that is not the case.  Straps can be good or bad, and it just depends on their placement.  The kind that you will want to avoid is the kind that cause pressure.  If the strap is there just to lock you into place, gently and firmly, but not in an ‘overboard’ manner, then you are fine.  But if the strap does more than that, you could find yourself in a spot of irritation and bother.

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