7 Tips & Plantar Fasciitis Stretches and Exercises To Relieve Heel Pain

exercises for heel pain

Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common foot problems and foot pains. As a matter of fact, data shows that just 2 million people in the United States suffer from Plantar Fasciitis. As a result, there are plenty of people that need relief from heel pain. How can you remedy this foot pain? A podiatrist appointment can help along with great orthotics. But, you can also use the best Plantar Fasciitis stretches and exercises to relieve heel pain.


A physical therapist is the best route for healing foot pain this way. However, understanding stretches is not rocket science. Therefore, you can read this article and get essential facts and information on how to relieve heel pain. Best of all, you even learn about the causes of Plantar Fasciitis. Do not be a victim to serious heel pain. Instead, use the best Plantar Fasciitis stretches and exercises to relieve heel pain today!


Plantar Fasciitis is a form of pain that stems from the plantar fascia. Simply put, the plantar fascia is a thick band of tissue that connects your heel bone to your tones. Plantar Fasciitis involves the inflammation of this tissue. This inflammation causes intense and searing pain. Worst of all, it is hard to properly relieve this pain. Especially if your job involves sitting for long periods of time!


1. Make Sure You Warm Up

Quick tip, always warm up before a workout. A warm-up can help loosen up the plantar fascia. Furthermore, you are more likely to get hurt without a proper warm up. Take five minutes and get in a quick job or some jumping jacks. That way, you can get ready for a good stretching session. The best Plantar Fasciitis stretches and exercises to relieve heel pain are better after a warm up!


2. Target Areas 

There are a few key areas to target with your Plantar Fasciitis stretches and exercises to relieve heel pain. After all, you cannot simply stretch out your heel. Therefore, you must focus on a good area to help relieve that heel pain. The best areas to stretch are the bottom of your feet, calves, and Achilles tendon. Furthermore, focus your workouts on strengthening your ankles. This can help prevent a return of Plantar Fasciitis over time.


3. The Best Time To Stretch

Plantar Fasciitis usually causes the most pain in the morning. After all, inactivity can really trigger intense stabbing pain from Plantar Fasciitis. As a result, it is best to take the time to stretch in the morning. Specifically, use the toe stretch and toe curl below. That way, you can start your morning right. Do not suffer from severe pain every single morning. Let these stretches help you relieve all of your heel pain!


4. Learn Your Body

There are a number of great Plantar Fasciitis stretches and exercises to relieve heel pain. Do whatever is best for your body. Not everyone is equally flexible. Therefore, you may not be able to do every stretch. But, at least take some time to try. Stretching every day helps your flexibility. In turn, this can help you prevent Plantar Fasciitis. So here are all of the best stretches for your heel pain!


5. Toe Stretch & Toe Curl

The toe stretch and toe curl stretches are the best first thing in the morning. Always stretch before you step out of bed. If not, you will suffer from severe stabbing pain. First, put a towel near your bed then sit on the edge. Place your foot down onto the towel. Scrunch the towel towards yourself with your toes. Then, push the towel away with your toes. Continue this until your foot feels better. You can even intensify this stretch with a weight.


A toe stretch can be done in the very same sitting position. Just extend your leg out and put your heel onto the ground. Place your hand right onto the big toe. Then, all the big toe up and back. You will feel some intense strain but that is fine. Actively pull the toe to your ankle and far away from the floor. Hold this for anywhere between 15 and 30 seconds. These are two of the best Plantar Fasciitis stretches and exercises to relieve heel pain! Do these stretches all throughout the day as much as possible.


6. Stretch With A Towel 

This next stretch is pretty easy and anyone can do it. As a matter of fact, this is a stretch commonly done in P.E. classes and high school sports. Take a towel and sit on the ground. Stretch your legs out right in front of you. Then, wrap the towel right under the ball of your foot. Hold the towel on both ends in both of your hands. Make sure your grip is strong and firm. You do not want the towel to slip out of your hands.


Pull the towel toward your body. But, keep your knee as straight as possible. Now, this is really difficult if you are not flexible. As a result, you should be gentle and careful. Do not sustain another injury trying to relieve heel pain. Hold this stretch for anywhere between 15 seconds and 30 seconds. Repeat this stretch anywhere between 3 to 4 times. Use the best Plantar Fasciitis stretches and exercises to relieve heel pain.


7. Stretch The Calves

Finally, the last stretch is done standing up against the wall. Approach a wall in your home or at the gym. Place both of your hands on the wall right at eye level. Put the affected leg just one foot behind your other leg. Bend the front light slightly and lean forward. Keep the back heel planted firmly on the floor. This is the key to this entire stretch. If not, you do not receive the proper stretch for your Plantar Fasciitis.


Continue trending the front knee. You will feel a strong stretch in your rear leg. Do not hold the stretch until you feel that specific sensation. That way, you get the best results from Plantar Fasciitis stretches and exercises to relieve heel pain. Hold this stretch for anywhere between 15 seconds to 30 seconds. Be sure to repeat this stretch anywhere between 2 to 4 times in one session.


Other Important Advice On Relieving Heel Pain

First, it is smart to reach out to help from a professional if you need it. A physical therapist can help guide you through these stretches. Best of all, they help prevent any other injuries. Furthermore, they may even recognize any other potential problems. Take your questions about the Plantar Fasciitis stretches and exercises to relieve heel pain to an expert. They can help clear up any further questions.


Second, schedule an appointment with a podiatrist as well. Simply put, a podiatrist s a foot expert. They evaluate your foot’s health and physical form. Thus, the can diagnosis any potential foot problems and foot pain. But, the best part is the orthotic recommendation. An orthotic is like a removable insole that provides more support than usual. Podiatrists recommend high-quality orthotics that provide immediate relief on the go! Do more than practice the best Plantar Fasciitis stretches and exercises to relieve heel pain.


Lastly, do not work out through pain with Plantar Fasciitis. This is incredibly dangerous. Furthermore, altering your walk or run is just as harmful. You may avoid Plantar Fasciitis pain in the short run. However, long-term pain becomes so much worse. Plus, you can potentially hurt your calve or another part of your body. Instead, just take time to stretch every single day. You can do all of the Plantar Fasciitis stretches and exercises to relieve heel pain in less than a half hour!



Plantar Fasciitis causes serious heel pain that hinders daily life. However, you can actively work against Plantar Fasciitis. All of the stretches above work towards less heel pain. The inflammation of the plantar fascia is the root of all pain. Get the proper support and take care of your body. Take time to stretch after every single workout. Furthermore, you should also stretch every single morning. Most Plantar Fasciitis victims suffer the most severe pain first thing when they wake up. This can start your day off on the wrong foot, literally!


As mentioned earlier, Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common forms of foot pain. So many people deal with this sharp pain on a daily basis. Do not continue to be one of them. Instead, get the proper help for your heel pain. Use all of the Plantar Fasciitis stretches and exercises to relieve heel pain. You will not regret it whatsoever. Instead, you will go back to living an active and healthy lifestyle. Best of all, everyday pain goes away rather quickly!

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