No matter what you might be doing in life, there are a few constants. Death, taxes, putting up with family are some. Walking is another, for most of us, at least. Walking, therefore, takes up a big chunk of our time, and if it doesn’t it probably needs to take up more. So, no matter if you just walk for fun, for exercise, or if you find yourself doing a bunch of it during work, there is one common thread. We all need good footwear that is comforting, supportive, looks nice, and helps us get through the day. Today, we are going to help pick through the best options for walking shoes out there in 2018. It’s not easy to find shoes that are specifically for walking at times, and we are going to make that task much easier for you as we take a look at the aspects that should be a part of your decision. We’ll also seek to answer questions that you might have before we look at the most popular choices available in 2018 for both men and women.
Top Walking Shoes Comparison Chart
Product | Material | Type | Price | Where to Buy? |
Adidas Women’s Cloudfoam Pure Shoe | Textile | Low-top | $$ | Check Price On Amazon |
Skechers Women’s Flex Appeal 2.0 | Knit Fabric | Low-top | $ | Check Price On Amazon |
ASICS Women’s Gel-Venture 5 Running Shoe | Synthetic | $$$ | Check Price On Amazon | |
New Balance Women’s Wa365v1 Walking Shoe | Synthetic | Low-top | $$ | Check Price On Amazon |
Tiosebon Women’s Athletic Walking Shoes | Textile | $ | Check Price On Amazon | |
New Balance Men’s Mx608v4 | Leather | Low-top | $$$ | Check Price On Amazon |
New Balance Men’s MW411v2 Walking Shoe | Synthetic | Low-top | $$ | Check Price On Amazon |
Skechers Performance Men’s Go Walk 4 | Mesh | $$ | Check Price On Amazon | |
Skechers Men’s Afterburn Memory Foam Sneakers | Leather/Synthetic | $$ | Check Price On Amazon | |
Rockport Men’s We are Rocking Shoe | Leather | $$$$ | Check Price On Amazon |
Walking Shoes Buying Guide
Brand Isn’t Everything
One of the first things that we need to discuss about walking shoes is simple but hard for a lot of people. The brand does matter, but it’s not nearly as important as you think. Brands are hugely influenced by trends, which makes us want (or not want) a certain pair or type of shoes. This, though, should not play a role when we are picking a pair of shoes, at least not totally. Yes, brand and style is linked together, and you sometimes can’t separate the two from one another, but it’s vital that you don’t just rule out a show because of the brand on it. I’ve been guilty of that in the past, and I’m sure most of you have, too, but it was a mistake to make because we don’t always end up with the best fit or feel! So, our first rule is going to be to be open minded to new brands and looks. Even if you ultimately do not decide to go down the route of a shoe that isn’t normally what you’d buy, you should give it consideration. Sometimes it truly is worth going for substance over style and branding, even if it’s difficult to do so.
Walking Is NOT Running
Another thing that’s going to be asked is “can I wear a running shoe.” Frequently, this is found in FAQ’s all over the internet on a wide variety of shoe-related topics. And the answer to this question is a resounding no. Running shoes can be wore for walking sure, but they might not be the best option. I mean you could, in theory, take any old pair of shoes and make them into walking shoes. Why not just wear flip flops? No one is going to stop you. It’s the age old adage of “just because you can do it doesn’t mean that you should.”
So, walking isn’t a good idea in a running shoe. But why is that? For starters, running shoes are designed for one purpose: going forward. There’s very little about them that are made so that you can go laterally, and a lot of them are also not designed to go slowly. Walking is done at a much slower pace, and a lot of recreational, as well as those that walk for fitness, are going to walk for longer amounts of time than those that run. The reason is because walking won’t burn the same calories as running, therefore you need more time walking to get the same ‘burn.’ So, if you’re someone that walks, let’s say in a high-speed work environment where you have to turn around quickly, or if you are walking for a long time, you might just find yourself starting to realize that it’s not such a good idea to be using them after all. They just aren’t made for that.
The same sort of thing goes for ‘tennis shoes.’ I’m not here to tell you that no tennis shoe will ever be good for walking, but the chances of them being great are pretty slim. Tennis shoes, or sneakers, are made for an overall kind of experience. You get some comfort, some support, some style, and some performance, but you don’t get it all packed into one shoe. You need a lot of support if you’re going to be walking all day at work, and tennis shoes will not always cut it.
Last, but not least we should mention ‘standing’ shoes. Good shoes to stand in are great, but just because you hear or see a review stating that is a shoe is good for standing doesn’t mean they will be good. I had a pair of shoes that were great for standing in my lab. However, when I had warehouse duty, the constant walking ended up killing my feet. The exact reason for this is hard to express, but it’s just different, and you have to accept that and be able to move on from there and understand you need something else.
Some Deceptive Terms You Might Want to Avoid
There are always a few phrases that will catch us consumers out a little bit in the cold. These words can trick us into believing something is a good thing, when in reality, it’s not really, at least not in the context. In the instance of walking shoes, you should be careful when you hear the words “free,” “minimal,” and “lightweight.” All of these sound very catchy, I must admit, and it makes you instantly want to grab those shoes, put them in the cart, and go checkout as quickly as you can. But that might not be such a good idea. While it’s not always going to be the case, a lighter shoe typically means that it will have less support. Let’s do the math here. If I have a 5 ounce shoe and a 15 ounce shoe, which is going to have the most room for support? It’s the 15 ounce. The 5 ounce shoe is going to have a time just to be a shoe in and of itself, while the 15 ounce one is going to have the ability to do multiple things. Sure, you could never claim 15 ounces is light, but you wouldn’t be able to say it has NO support. Sometimes, with the terms above, you will get close to no support, and if you do get some it won’t be much. It’s just a matter of looking and doing your research. There’s been a trend in a lot of running shoes that has trickled down into other aspects of the shoe market of late to downsize the weight. But it’s come at a cost of some support. With some pairs you will be supported and have lightweight qualities, but it’s not all.
Let’s Talk About Fit
For some people, this is going to feel like a trip to the dentist. But it’s a serious topic that needs to be addressed straight away. The fit of your shoe is crucial. If they don’t fit good, they will never feel good. It doesn’t matter if someone takes the most comfortable bed in the world and straps it on your foot, you will not feel good if you got things rubbing up against your toes! So here’s how to stop that from happening before it starts.
First, you should be looking at shoes in person. Yes, it’s the age of the internet, and that’s awesome. I’m thankful for it, just as you should be. Online shopping is the best, no doubt, but it’s quite difficult to do it and do it well. Shoe shopping is notoriously tough online. So, I suggest going to the store. A reason to try on a few pairs of shoes is to try and get a grasp on what you like and what you do not like. You also will start to get an idea about how well certain companies do at matching up to your true size. If you see that company ‘Y’ has shoes that consistently are half a size smaller than your normal size, it might be quite reasonable to assume any pair will do as such from them. Furthermore, if you happen to run into the perfect pair, then you have the hit the jackpot. You can take that information, head online, do a little comparing, and then order them there to save money. It’s open and available with the click of a few buttons, but you have to be willing to put the work in.
When you go in person, though, there are some general guidelines that can help you. First, identify your true size. Ladies, especially, are pretty bad at doing this, so you should go and measure your foot. Getting that size can really help you over the long haul. Next, you really need to go after some exercise or after work. This will make the shoes fit more like they will after you have walked in them quite a while, which will increase the chances you are very happy with the way they fit. After that, when you put them on, you need to test and make sure that you are able to put your thumb between your toe and the end of the shoe. If you are unable to do that, you don’t have enough room, especially if you have not been active beforehand. If you leave too much space, it can be a bad thing, too, because your feet will slide and you can develop blisters just as easily, if not fall in them, with them moving around and flopping like a boat in raging waters. Making an note on width is also key. The majority of companies have shoes that will run wide, just right, or narrow consistently. They don’t usually change, unless they have options for wider feet, so it’s good to know just so you don’t end up with something feeling awful later on down the road. It’d be wise to also try and observe how they feel on the top of your foot, too, because so many forget about that and end up not liking how close they are to your feet.
Also, related to size is the issue of gender. We live in an ever-changing world today where societal norms are changing very quickly. But human genetics are not changing, and there are two different sexes, each with various needs that the other does not require. Men on the whole are much larger than women, and that means that the shoes naturally end up weighing more than most women’s shoes do. Then there is the fact that women have a more narrow foot than men, meaning the men’s shoes could be roomy or way offer way too much space to a lady wearing them. Shoes are usually made different, too. Women typically have shoes that are pointed at the toes and offer a raised heel. This is just to better protect the foot. Men’s shoes are wider than women’s at the front, with none pointing out and are usually flatter. Another difference is in the Achilles area. Men’s tendons are usually higher than those of women, meaning if you were a man and went to women’s shoes you’d be losing some protection. A lot of people only want to change to the other’s shoes simply over style. And while there may be more colors available, it’s just generally a good idea not to cross over. Unisex shoes are out there, but they are a tough sell because so many just look weird, and they take out the benefits that men’s and women’s shoes offer you. There will be people that argue about this, and it’s not a rule that is 100% required, but generally it’s a good idea to just stick with your gender and get the most out of those shoes.
Comfort and Support
There are some things to know about comfort and support. And the big thing is that the two are very related. We touched on it earlier about how a light shoe doesn’t always mean it’s a good thing. In much the same way, a comfortable shoe that makes you feel like clouds have been rolled out like a red carper for you might just be the worst thing you’ve ever imagined. If you have ever seen or wore ‘recovery’ shoes before, you’d know why. These shoes are very foamy and cushy in the bottoms, but it’s an aggressive cushioning that’s only intended for a little while, not the whole day. Sometimes, we run into situations like that with normal shoes. You buy thinking they will be great because they are so comfortable, but they end up being monstrous and you can’t handle it.
Or, and here’s the big one that trips a lot of people up, you get a pair that’s got a comfy insole but you end up going home with your feet hurting every single day! What’s up with that? What gives? Well, in that scenario, it’s you that is giving, not the shoe. A shoe with true comfort is one that allows you support as well. The support underneath you is paramount to the enjoyment of your everyday life. If you are working, this is especially important to you, because these will be your closest companions with you all day. If you’re a walker on the streets, you might be stuck with them even longer. So it’s a major thing to do. You have to find something that has give to it. A lot of shoes have shock absorbers built in nowadays, and as a great as that is, you don’t always have to go to such lengths to be happy. If you see that people find shoes to be comfortable, usually they are. Playing a deciding role in all of this is specifics about you, yourself. If you are a person with flat feet, a shoe with medium support might not do nearly as well with some who has high arches. You might end up leaving a bad review simply because you’ve got flat feet. In your instance you could turn to an insert inside your shoes, or you could ditch the shoes and try again. Sometimes it’s tough to judge whether they will be right for you, other times it’s clear. Knowing yourself, though, is just as massive as knowing what kind of shoes you’re about to be purchasing.
Much like our discussion about flat feet and high arches, your gait is a telling factor when selecting a good pair of shoes for you. Gait is simply defined as the manner in which you walk. Some folks walk bow legged, some walk like Groucho Marx. Others walk like on their tip toes. All of this can mean a great deal of foot pain if you aren’t finding and wearing a pair of shoes that is going to support that kind of walk. One of the things walkers should know is if they are a pronator or suppinator, these two things help when picking out shoes so that you get the most support possible.
Pronation and supination are opposing terms that refer to how the ankles roll when you are in the act of walking or running. Pronation is when the foot rolls inward as you walk. Supination refers to when the foot rolls outward. Pronation and supination just can not get better by themselves and take some steps to improve. During pronation, you see the outside part of the heel hit the ground while the foot rolls inward and then smoothes itself out. If this persists, it can make the arch of the foot flatten even more, doubly affecting people with flat feet, and it can do a lot of damage because it stretches the muscles, ligaments, and tendons that are located on the bototm part of the foot. For supination, helps you get off the ground as you start running, allowing the heel to lift off and the toes to push forward to let them. This, though, can be an issue if it’s done time and time again because it puts a ton of strain upon the tendons and muscles associated with the ankle. Over time, it can make you more prone to rolling your ankle, which is one of the most painful injuries I’ve had, or even rupture the ligament entirely. Not a fun experience at all. Both supination and pronation are needed in normal motion, but like so much in life, if either of them take hold and become too prevalent, they can be very damaging to you, your health, your wealth, and your happiness. They can cause all sorts of problems, running all the way to your shins, knees, and even back. Not to mention the foot problems that can occur.
Features You Will Want
Here are a few things that you will want built into the shoe in order to keep you going as long as possible and to keep your feet happy!
As time has gone on, breathability has gotten better and better in shoes. In older times, shoes might have offered great support but they just wouldn’t let you air those puppies out. Now, though, it’s changed and you are much more able to find shoes that have ‘vents’ in them. A lot of athletic shoes come with mesh, or a similar product, which allows your feet to air out. It’s not only great for getting rid of smelly feet, but it’s also big for keeping your dryer as you walk. This is an underrated point. You don’t realize how much of a conveniece it is until you don’t have it, because when you don’t have a breathable shoe, you just feel weighed down and sticky. Not a very fun feeling at all.
High or Low Top OR Slip On
Something to think about is whether you want a high or low top. This decision can impact the weight of the shoe, but it can be a very necessary call to go with a high top if you are someone that has had ankle problems in the past. If you are prone to rolling over your ankle, then this is the best bet for you, even at slower walking speeds. Of course, you will have to make do with a little extra weight simply because its ‘more’ shoe, but it’s not too bad. A low top offers you more freedom and less weight, but it does come with the price of having to deal with a little bit less support than you’d get from a high top. A whole lot of shoes out there today are basically in the middle, and this is generally a great thing because it takes the best of both worlds and combines it together to give you a lot of versatility. Slip ons are also a choice you can make. While I wouldn’t suggest this, you’re bound to see some. If you don’t walk on a stable, well-marked terrain, then this isn’t your best bet because they are lighter and less supportive. But if you just want something you can put on in a hurry and go with, this could be just the thing for you as they can be super comfy and feel a whole lot like house shoes.
Let’s Review the Top 5 Women’s Walking Shoes!
Adidas Women’s Cloudfoam Pure Shoe
Right out of the bat, we technically go against one of our rules, but hey, rules are meant to be broken. The Adidas Cloudfoam technology has changed the game in athletics, and because of that, this shoe is able to make the list as a good walking shoe. These shoes have two major advantages that you don’t often see in the shoe market, especially as it relates to walking shoes: they are great looking and also at a good price at the same time. When you combine those two things with the fact that the shoe has a Cloudfoam sockliner that conforms to your foot and gives you comfort step-by-step, it’s really a win-win you can hardly pass up. The use of mesh is also quite nice and prevalent, as you can tell just by looking at them. It’s really all over the place on them, making them both lighter in weight as a result and much more breathable than others you will see. No matter if you’re outside walking or inside working, this can help cut down on the temperature inside your shoes. One thing to make note of is that despite their appearance at first glance, this is really a slip on shoe. There are laces, but if you look closely you will see a strap to pull them on with. This means it’s VERY important to get the correct size with these because the strings aren’t going to help you a whole lot with them. This, though, just makes them more desirable for someone that wants a ton of comfort to their walking shoes! The one thing that has been complained about is that they are wider for some people’s taste, but really that’s a good thing because shoes usually end up being too narrow.
- Awesome colors and style
- Good price
- Very easy to put on and go
- Too big for narrow footed
Skechers Women’s Flex Appeal 2.0
Skechers has carved itself out a niche in the shoe world for having very comfortable shoes for working and walking, and because of that it’s no shock at all for them to make this list. The Flex Appeal 2.0 does so as it’s one of the most inexpensive choices out there, coming in at a very affordable price that will make you happy if you’re on a tight budget. You just about can’t find anything of any quality at all at this price, so if that doesn’t make you happy, I’m afraid nothing will. Something that has to be commended is the look of the shoes, which is surprisingly good in my opinion. There are a lot of colors, and the style of them is exquisite in a lot of cases. Using knit fabric, this shoe is pretty light in its feel, which can be a good thing, but is also a not so good thing if you need premium levels of support. The Air-cooled memory foam helps you remain cool along with the upper mentioned before. One of the other advantages that the knit fabric brings is that it’s flexible, which allows you to move your toes a little and just feel more free inside the shoes. There are problems, though, and the first one is one you’d expect given the price. It is over the durability of the shoes. Simply put, you get what you pay for. A cheaper shoe, especially once that is made to be lightweight just won’t hold up as well. Next, there are gripes over the lack of a removable insole. Some people need orthotics, and if this is you, this shoe will be tough on you to use. Lastly, the outsole of the shoe, which has pretty large gaps in it, does see small pebbles getting stuck in it from time to time.
- Extremely low price
- Great styles and colors to pick from
- Light and flexible
- Durability is a question mark
- Insole cannot be removed
- Debris gets lodged into the shoe
ASICS Women’s Gel-Venture 5 Running Shoe
A true running shoe isn’t always the best for walking or standing, but Asics have built their brand on a lot of things that make them unique. Chief among those reasons is that they were the very first to hit the market with a gel insole, and that has them still toward the top of comfort when it comes to athletic footwear today. The Gel Venture 5 isn’t as nice looking as the other two offerings we have looked at so far, to be fair, but the styles aren’t awful, either. The biggest factor that differentiates between them and the other two shoes so far is the traction they offer you. The soles are made to withstand all sorts of different trails, so you can be sure they will last a while no matter if you are walking on pavement, gravel, or something else. Their high abrasion rubber sole means that they don’t pick up a lot of scarring and will not get damaged nearly as much as other brands would. Lots of mesh is used to make the shoe lighter and give you plenty of breathability as well, making you a much happier walker. The sockliner that is included can be removed if you choose, making it a major plus for those that are in need of their own insert. Lastly in the plus column is the synthetic nature of the upper, which makes them very durable. The price is a little bit higher in relation to the previous two, and that might lead some to move elsewhere with their choice, but it’s still a reasonable price to pay. They do tend to run a little large, so be prepared to deal with sizing issues.
- Very, very versatile shoe
- Originators of gel cushioning do it right
- Removable sockliner
- Looks are lacking a bit
- Slightly higher price
- Some sizing difficulties
New Balance Women’s Wa365v1 Walking Shoe
New Balance is one of the brands out there that people love the comfort of almost always yet hate the style. With the Wa365v1, you will never have to worry about that because they look great and have that comfortable feel to them at the same time as well. Even the sides of the shoes toward the bottom, in which they have tiny grooves made, look great and enticing to the eye. Using a memory sole comfort insert inside, these shoes are made to emphasize comfort. This insert can be taken out should you choose to do so, which increases the level of choices you can make with these. Made to be even cushier than the normal version of the shoe, it’s easy to see why it is best for the intention of walking. The upper uses a combination of mesh and synthetic materials, which help contribute to a more durable, lightweight, and breathable shoe. And for a walking shoe, they actually do a good job of giving support for wearers when moving laterally, which is just not something they always get to see in walkers. Some issues do persist with them, however, and the biggest one might just be that the traction on the sole wears out quickly. In addition to that, the shoes are very stiff, which makes them hard to break in. Even when broke in, some have found them to be a little stiff still. Lastly, there is an issue with the tongue. They have designed it to be so large that there is no enclosure around it, which means the tip of it slides around and can be a major annoyance to the wearer.
- Really has an awesome look
- Memory foam insert that can be removed
- Good lateral support
- Tongue designed rather poorly
- Hard to break in
- Traction quick to wear
Tiosebon Women’s Athletic Walking Shoes
If you are looking for a departure from the norm, then the Tiosebon is as good a shout as any. A true slip on, this shoe is the first on the list to be a full departure from the sneaker look. In addition to that, the Tiosebon is very inexpensive and comes in a ton of colors, some of which are extremely flashy. All of those colors are offset with a white sole, making them pop out at you even more. The shoes claim to be slip resistant, and while I wouldn’t go that far, it is safe to say that the soles have a ton of grooves to them and will help you much better than most ordinary pair of shoes would in that regard. Because they are a slip on, they have to be lightweight, and that means the materials used can’t be very heavy. The use of mesh is all over the place and is even around where the tongue would be if it had one. This will help you breathe much easier when you are on the trails. This isn’t likely to be your best bet for work, unless you don’t have to worry about things falling on you or that you will bump into something. The first issue with them is that they are going to be tough to size because they are coming from an overseas distributor, so you will have to guess. The elastics used can be stretched out too thinly over time, making it another potential hazard. And finally, they tend to give blisters after long walks, so they might be best for strolls.
- Multitude of colors to select from
- Easy to put on and take off
- Very inexpensive choice
- Sizing issues- tend to run big
- Long walks not recommended
- Elastic can wear out
Let’s Review the Top 5 Men’s Walking Shoes!
New Balance Men’s Mx608v4
New Balance kicks off the men’s list with a shoe that has a lot to offer. While some of the colors are very plain looking, there are many to pick from and there are some very good lookers in there. Aside from that, the shoes come in a couple of different widths to choose from, so that should help men pick out the best fit for them. These shoes are made from all leather, which means they are a more premium feel. This does make them slightly heavier and a little bit less breathable on the whole, but it does not mean they will kill you by any means. The entirety of the shoe has a board that helps to absorb shocks, making it stand out from those that only have this feature in the heel, if they even have it at all. The toe is even guarded slightly to keep you protected. The issues you might have with these is that they are heavier. Even if you wanted to run in them, it wouldn’t be advised unless you are ‘heavy set.’ The heel also has less padding than in previous versions of the shoe, which has led to some people getting blisters in that area.
- Very comfortable
- Supportive and protective
- Shock absorbing
- Heavier than most
- Less heel padding
- Some colors look plain
New Balance Men’s MW411v2 Walking Shoe
Very comparable to the Mx608v4, the MW411v2 is another shoe that runs in the same reasonable price range and is good for walking. Unlike its counterpart, though, it does look a lot better, in less colors, and has more breathability built in. The use of mesh is much easier to spot, and that will help those in hotter temperatures for sure. One of the key things that you will notice with this is that they are very wide. That is because they are certified by Medicare to be diabetic shoes. Width is key for that, so these should give you plenty of room to be happy with. Like the previous New Balance offering, these are fully made of leather. However, they don’t have as much protection, which makes them lighter. It still has its own cushioning insert inside to give you comfort, but you won’t have to worry about them being too much on you to carry. These, however, do give up some arch support, so if you are flat footed you’ll want to definitely pass on them. Also, because of the lightweight nature of them, they are less durable than others out there.
- Not the old man look
- Lighter weight
- Very wide in the toes
- Not as durable
- Arch support is lacking
Skechers Performance Men’s Go Walk 4
Skechers makes its way back to the list with a slip on this time, so if you are a man that wants something a little less aggressive, this might be your ticket. The Go Walk 4 is a 100% mesh shoe that is built to be both very light and extremely breathable at the same time. Because of that, though, you should know that it will take on water if it is wet or raining, so be aware. Apart from that, these shoes use bamboo in the footbed to cut down on odor and bacteria, while using 5Gen cushioning in the midsole to comfort you as you walk. They won’t keep you nearly as protected as a normal tennis shoe will, but they will be much easier to put on and take off and just not as cumbersome to lug throughout a long day or walk. The rubber soles even help to suck up water when it’s present, but don’t mistake them for being waterproof! One big error of these shoes is that the toe area is more narrow than in the past, which can mean customers with wider feet are left out in the cold. The sole is very soft in this pair, and as stated before, sometimes that can cause problems, and it has with these as they wear out.
- Huge amounts of breathability
- Very, very lightweight
- Excellent cushioned midsole
- Soft soles wear out
- Not great for wide feet
Skechers Men’s Afterburn Memory Foam Sneakers
Skechers quickly makes its mark again with this pair of shoes, though these are totally different. Falling in the sneaker category, the Afterburn brings with it a much sportier, outdoorsy look than anything on the list so far. These look like true hiking shoes, especially the tan and brown colored ones. Because of that look, they are going to be more supportive, giving you protection in the toe area with some padding and also giving more traction on the bottom for varied landscapes. The tongue is cushioned, cradling your foot along with the memory foam insole. The eyelet, the place where the shoelaces go, is made from metal, too, making them sturdier there and underlining the commitment to be more protective of you and your shoes. Lots of mesh is used to make them breathable as you walk or hike, while the rubber sole also helps in a wide variety of ways. The inserts can be replaced, thankfully, because that is an area that sees a lot of wear and tear. The glue used on the sole is a concern as well, with some wearers noticing the bottom tearing away over time.
- Hiking sort of look
- Cushy foot area
- Protective shoe for the outdoors
- Glue on the sole is not the best
- Inserts erode fairly quickly
Rockport Men’s We are Rocking Shoe
The final shoe to make the list is Rockport, which is the most premium priced option so far. The Rockport is a shoe meant for one thing: walking. Made from all leather on the upper, it is easy to see why it’s meant for walking and not harder activities. That said, it also uses mesh in the upper to give you some breathability while also guarding the toes a little bit with a thick end piece. The outsole has flex grooves on the sides, which are designed to help disperse the shocks as you are in the middle of your walk. The use of latex in the footbed makes it cushioned, while EVA in the midsole helps to do the same. Unlike a lot of shoes, these have enough room to actually put your inserts on top of theirs! One problem you will likely run into is that the laces do not stay tied. You might end up replacing those. The rubber sole can separate itself from the rest of the shoe after a while as well, so if you are hard on shoes, you might be wise to look elsewhere.
- Another hiking look
- Flex grooves help comfort
- Can put your inserts in with removing anything
- Laces will not stay tied
- Sole has tendency to separate
Conclusion And Final Walking Shoes Recommendations
Finding shoes in any niche can be tough nowadays, but finding them for walking can be even harder. All companies like to declare that their shoes feel great and that they make walking much easier, but unfortunately, that’s just so often not the case. Today, though, we separated fact from fiction to help you determine which shoes are actually good for walking and just hwy they are. After our guide, you should be able to have a detailed look at any shoe and know if it will be good or bad for you over the course of its lifetime!
FAQ’s About Walking Shoes
* How Do I Break In My Shoes?
Some shoes will require a lot of breaking in, while others will not need much. Either way, it’s best to be safe and gradually wear them. You can start around the house and wear them for an hour or two, then you can graduate them to use outside for a while longer. After you get comfortable in them, and you know that the fit and feel is right, then you can safely begin to wear them as you normally would, whether that be on long walks or at work all day. This is just a good way to test the shoes out. You might have felt good in the store or at home when you first put them on, but this is a good way to make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into before you dive head first and quickly realize that you’ve made an error. If you don’t have a change of shoes, it could be a slight disaster, in that case.
* When Do I Need to Replace My Walking Shoes?
Most people will point toward a certain area of the shoe when trying to pinpoint whether they need to make a change in their footwear. However, this is NOT usually the best possible way to find out if you need a replacement. Instead, the mileage put on the shoes is a good indicator. Most shoes are good for about 300-500 miles, and that typically goes for running shoes. So with a walking shoe, it’s probably safe to put a little more mileage on there (but don’t go overboard). OF course, this is a little hard since our shoes don’t have pedometers on them like our cars do. Because of that, it relies on you tracking and then logging your miles. There are apps that do this nowadays, or else no one would have an idea how long it’s been with shoe ‘X.’ If you just can’t figure out how many miles you’ve put on them, then you can resort to other means. Looking at your shoes can be helpful, just don’t overdo it. If you notice they are visibly wearing, this does not mean because they are muddy or getting dirty, then it’s a good time. If you can take your hand across the sole and don’t feel much tread left, it’s another way to tell. The way you feel is also important. If you just don’t feel as good after a walk as you used to anymore, then you might really need to have a think about getting a new pair of shoes and retiring the old ones. A lot of people have two pairs of shoes that they switch back and forth from to make sure it cuts down on wear, but that is totally up to you and your prerogative.
* Why Walk When I Can Run?
Walking and running are very similar, but the benefits of walking- or even adding it to your regiment- are various and need to be mulled over. Walking works all of the same muscles, including the most important one in the heart, but it does so without being as hard on the body as running. You don’t have the pounding of joints on the pavement nearly as much, and because of that virtually anyone that is fit and able can walk. Even runners can add this to the training program as a way to cool down and to stretch out the body. Walking is simply put a great alternative to running for people that don’t want to be as extreme, can’t be as extreme, or simply just want to be healthier than they are. Even if you plan on running, walking can be a good way to work up to it. You can always walk a while, then run, or vice versa as you work toward peak fitness levels. Either way, you need good footwear to keep you happy and healthy. One study showed that you can reduce your risk of mortality by as much as 20% if you walk regularly at a brisk pace. That’s good enough for me, I don’t know about you!
* How Do I Wash My Shoes?
Washing your new walking shoes is a big part of keeping them looking nice, so if you are putting them to use, you’ll want to be keeping them looking as good as you can. Each shoe is different, and you should look at the tags that come with the shoes and doing proper research on each to pinpoint just what it is that your shoes need. Something that will help nearly all shoes is to take a wet wash cloth and rub the shoe. This can help remove dirt and grime from the uppers, the side, and the lowers as well. It’s harder to get the areas around and on the shoelaces, so that is something you will have to think about. Unless you have an ultra delicate shoe at hand, you can put them in the washer. The washer does a good job at removing filth, but you don’t want to be doing this way too often. Also, make sure you air dry the shoes. You can run a ceiling fan or place them up next to a box fan if you choose. Never use them in the dryer and make sure to wash them on cold to prevent them from shrinking or coming apart!