Best Shoe Inserts For Standing All Day of 2021 (Review & Buying Guide)

Best Shoe Inserts For Standing All Day

Have you ever found the perfect shoes you could ever imagine only to find out that they weren’t quite so perfect after all?  There was just something a little bit off about them.  Nothing major, but just enough to make you feel the least bit uncomfortable.  For many of us, that has been the case, but we ended up throwing out said shoes all because we couldn’t pinpoint what it was that was bothering us.  Maybe, just maybe it all boils down to the inserts and the support that you desperately need.  If you are someone that is on your feet all day, then you’re in luck.  That’s because we are going to be looking into the best inserts for your shoes for standing all day in today’s buying guide.  Toward the end, we will also be looking at some of the best and most popular inserts as well, all in a bid to help you make those perfect shoes truly perfect.  Let’s get it going then!

Top Shoe Inserts For Standing All Day Comparison Chart

ProductTypePriceWhere to Buy?
1. Powerstep Pinnacle Shock Absorbing Shoe InsolesOrthotics$$$Check Price On Amazon
2. Walk Hero Arch Support Feet InsolesOrthotics $Check Price On Amazon
3. Alegria Women’s Replacement InsolesMemory Foam$$$Check Price On Amazon
4. Giotto Unisex Orthotic InsertsOrthotics $Check Price On Amazon
5. Envelop Full Length Gel InsolesGel Padding$$Check Price On Amazon
6. Copper Compression Anti-Fatigue Shoe InsertsOrthotics $$Check Price On Amazon
7. Dr. Scholl’s Women’s Work Massaging Gel InsolesGel Padding$Check Price On Amazon
8. DJMED Stamina Soft Shoe Women’s InsolesGel Padding$$Check Price On Amazon
9. Trek Support Women’s Work Gel InsertsGel Padding$Check Price On Amazon
10. Copper Fit Balance Infused Orthotic InsolesOrthotics $$$Check Price On Amazon

Shoe Inserts For Standing All Day Buying Guide

Why You Need an Insert

You may truly feel that you don’t need an insert, and maybe you don’t.  But there’s a pretty good chance that you actually do and that you should at least try it out for a time.  The main reason we think so is that studies show that up to 70% of the US populace go through some sort of pain in their feet on a daily basis.  This is an absurdly large number, and it’s a big enough number that it means that not all of these people are going to have other obvious health problems that are directly leading to it.  It means that all sorts of people are included, thus showing that it’s not just someone obese or that’s had foot problems since they were young that are having the issues.  Furthermore, there are other issues in the feet and shoes that go beyond hurting.  Maybe you want to be better athletically, or perhaps your feet don’t smell so good.  Possibly you need to have your feet corrected via an orthotic insole, or you could just be dealing with swelling.  All of these can be helped by an insert, provided you choose the right one.

Standing Up is a Hard Thing To Do

You may not realize it yet, but the stress and strain that standing places upon your feet is very taxing to them.  For anyone that is new to a job where you are required to stand all day, you will know this all too well, especially for the first couple of weeks.  It is an absolute killer.  Something about it just doesn’t sit (or stand) well with the body.  It takes time to adjust for even the best of us.  Some of us never truly overcome this and still find that we need something else.  This is where inserts come in.  Some shoes just are not up for the job as well as others.  They might offer a full range of benefits but lack support and comfort.  If that’s the case, then you’ll be aided tremendously by a pair of shoe inserts.  Assuming you find the right ones.

Walking and Standing- Similar But Different

A lot of people would be tempted to throw both walking and standing into the same category, but this is a big, big mistake to make.  Many, many people would hurt as a result of being forced to walk all day, but the pain and sensation is different than than of standing.  When you walk you have your blood flowing and your keep moving.  You almost don’t have time for the soreness to kick in this way.  Not like with standing, which is going to immediately make the bottoms of your feet scream after a few hours the first time, or few times, you do it.  These two concepts are different, so just because you see a pair of shoes or insoles that are proven to be good for walking, that does not necessarily mean they will be great for standing in one spot all day long.

Same Goes For Running

Another big group of folks are going to quickly assume that a pair of running shoes will take care of the issue entirely.  You won’t need a pair of inserts if you have those, you might surmise.  But this is not the case at all.  In fact, running shoes are probably going to be chief contenders to need an insert for you to use.  Running shoes are made to be much more flexible and thus are less bulky.  That means less support and cushion to them in a whole lot of cases, especially when they are not the most technologically advanced or are cheaper priced.  Just because they are comfy for you to wear while you log your miles does not mean they will be great for standing all day.  In fact, they could be downright awful if they are the ‘zero drop’ kind that sits you right on top of the ground like you have no shoe on at all.

Talking About Shoes

In order to understand how inserts are going to help you and how they work, we first have to have a basic working knowledge of the shoe itself.  Without it, you’ll be a little lost, so here is where we are going to breakdown shoes.  Shoes come in parts, rather than just having one giant piece of material to them.  The soles are the bottoms and they give you traction and can also give you some level of shock absorption.  The uppers are, you guessed it, the upper part that links the whole thing together.  This piece of the shoe is fairly flexible and can be made from all sorts of materials.  Some uppers are breathable, some are not and some of them are more protective and rigid than others.  Then you have the midsoles, where so much of the action is.  This is the sides of the shoes and also literally the middle ‘stuffing,’ if you will that can’t be seen by the naked eye.  A lot of the cushioning is going to come from there and the support, too.  The more cushioning you have, assuming it is high-quality substances that have been designed well, the more support you should have.  Then you have the insoles.  This is the place where so many people key in on a little bit too much.  But since today’s guide is all about insoles, that’s OK for this!  The insoles are what many believe to bring comfort.  This can be true, but it’s often taken too far to the extreme.  If you can place your hand into the insole and push down and it feels good, it’s doesn’t mean it will last and actually be comfortable when you are on your feet all day.  Instead, it’s going to come down to how much support is in the midsole, too.  Just having a plush foot bed is only going to do part of the job.  This is why you have to have a good shoe all the way around, not just in the insole.  If you experience a burning, hurting sensation, then there is a good chance you don’t have a ton of support.

Concrete is a Killer

Standing up all day is already a hard enough endeavor on the feet and the rest of the body, but doing so on concrete can make it even worse.  When you are on concrete, it’s just turned up several notches and you can’t help but feel helpless at times.  When you are presented with these conditions, you will need some extra padding in your shoes.  An insert with additional cushioning and support is just what you need to get you through the day.  Remember, concrete can be below a seemingly soft surface.  This can fool some people, but if you notice a super hard ground beneath you, then it can still give you problems.  Also, uneven grounds, such as working on rocks and gravels can be tough.  You need to make sure you have something stable and supportive in that case.

Prime Candidates For Inserts

There are a whole lot of people, as we have talked about earlier, that are candidates to wear inserts inside their shoes.  But there are a couple of groups that are particularly going to be interested by this: those with flat feet and those with high arches.  These two are diverging concepts and are the direct opposites of one another, but they each need support that goes above and beyond what is typically offered to them.  Flat footed people are more likely to end up with Plantar Fasciitis, while people with high arches are very prone to rolling their ankles.  Both conditions can cause you to pick up injuries, and it’s for this reason that inserts can really do a wonderful job at helping fight against it.  Even if your shoes have a decent or adequate amount of support, you still might find yourself turning toward inserts to help you breeze through the day.

The Biggest Essential: The Fit

If you don’t get the right fit for your insert, you might as well just go ahead and forget about all the good they are going to be doing for you.  Here are a few ways to ensure that you have the best fit you can have so that the inserts can actively work to help you rather than hinder you.

First and foremost, make sure you have the right shoe size.  This seems elementary, but if you don’t have a pair of shoes that fit properly then your inserts aren’t going to really help all that much.

Check and see that the inserts match up the size of your shoes.  This is going to need to be done in person after you get them should you choose to do so via online shopping.  If the insert is not large enough, or too large, then you will need to make adjustments.

Follow all steps given if you have an ‘adjustable’ insert.  Some inserts are going to come to you with a range of sizes.  These are going to be very easy to use.  You just put them in and go.  But others will have a very long strip that you have to cut.  For example, they might be a size ‘12’ insert that you have to file down to size 10 or 11.  This takes some work and you have to have a steady hand to get it fairly close to being right.  This is too much for work for some people, and they just want to skip it for a more sure thing.

When you go through the above step, you have to be very careful not to cut too much if it’s a full shoe length sort of insert.  Make sure that you place the insert in at the very back of the ‘heel counter’ so as to not have it moving around.  A lot of the time if this isn’t done exactly right, you might get some crumpling up of the insert, which is pretty painful and generally altogether unpleasant.

Make sure your shoes actually allow you to add an insert to them.  Some shoes are notoriously difficult to deal with in regards to this.  Some are glued in, so you can’t take them out without risking damaging the entire shoe’s integrity.  If you should decide to place the inserts on top of the ones that already exist, then you also have to be careful and make sure you have enough room between the top of your foot and the upper of the shoes.  This can cause you to get irritation and will be very uncomfortable, especially as your feet swell.

Never forget to factor in swelling.  It’s a crucial element that is so often forgotten and overlooked.  Swelling occurs as you move throughout the day because your feet get tired and more oxygen is required to be pumped throughout the body.  The blood flow increases in you, and you start to see swelling.  This can be extremely uncomfortable for you to go through if you are not prepared and don’t have properly fitted shoes or inserts.  Should your inserts not be able to accommodate this, you could end up with all sorts of health problems.

Conditions You May Have

There are a few things that you may be dealing with that will make you want to turn to the services of an insert.  In this section, we are going to break them down for you so you get a clear understanding of what they are and how a shoe insert can help you out.

Arch Pain

Arch pain, or more likely known as Plantar Fasciitis, is a type of condition that just never seems to get better.  It’s an aching in the heels that can only be bettered by rest.  It never fully goes away, either, so it’s just hard to treat.  One way to try and help it is by providing much-needed arch support.  Most of the time, an insert that is rigid and made out of foam is best, that way there isn’t too much give and you get plenty of support by basically being ‘cradled.’


This is one that many people may not be familiar with, but it’s one of the more common things.  It’s not really a condition so much as it is a natural part of you.  Overpronation occurs when the ankle and foot roll inward when you are walking.  This is referred to as your ‘gait.’  Gait issues can result in you developing all sorts of problems.  With this gait pattern, what you want is stability and to be locked into place so you don’t see those issues.


Supination is the opposing force to overpronation and is an outward roll of the feet and ankles.  This is dangerous to you because it can really ratchet up the pressure on your knees and ankles and it can cause you to fall and roll your ankles.  Not to mention the other possible awfulness it can bring, too.


This is a condition that all of us will know off the top of our heads.  It’s not so much a condition as it is just something we deal with from time to time.  Fatigue in the feet just saps us.  Some shoes are just so good at making sure you don’t feel ‘tired,’ while others lag behind.  For shoes and feet that are constantly sore and tired, you will want an insert to help replenish and give you that extra spark.

Shin Splints

Shin splints, believe it or not, are pretty much related to fatigue of the feet.  As your feet tire, you start to find ways to put pressure upon other parts of the body.  And a natural consequence of that is shin splints.  Hard ground can also contribute greatly to this, so an insert could just be the answer you need to clean up this problem once and for all.

Back and Neck Pain

There are a bunch of people out there that will not really have any complaints about their feet after a long day of standing, but their back and neck will be killing them.  It could have a lot to do with the specific job they are doing, sure, or it could be just getting used to the standing and the load it puts upon the body.  But, what many don’t realize is that the wrong footwear could be putting them under that pressure.  Something has to give, and for many it’s their back and neck.  If you’ve tried all kinds of stuff, you could turn to an insert.  It might help, and if not at least your feet should feel a bit better!

Smelly Feet

One of the main problems you may find with your shoes is that odor that comes off of them.  You just can’t seem to shake it no matter what you do or try, and it’s getting to be embarrassing.  Rather than just accepting it and letting it run its course, there are options for you to turn to.  One of them is via an insert.  Not all inserts will provide any help with it, but you can find some that have anti-microbial properties.  This will help to kill off bacteria, which is the root cause of the poor smell to begin with.  This way, it’s not just a mere masking agent and the problem is truly taken care of.  There are other options, but a whole lot of them are just about covering up the smell.

Types of Insoles

One of the main reasons, apart from support and cushioning, that you will purchase an insert is so that you have comfort.  Comfort is a big part of our lives, and if you fail to have it, you most likely won’t be using a given product for very long at all.  Here’s a look at how companies try to bring you that comfort as we take a look at types of insoles and what they are designed to do.

Gel Padding

One of the most popular ways that you will find cushioning via inserts is through the use of gel pads.  Gel pad are relatively new to the game for shoes, but they have become an integral part of some companies’ overall strategy.  Asics, for example, using gel inserts in their shoes already.  Gel padding is great for making you feel nice and plush but also for giving you cushioning, too.  This is a win-win for a ton of folks out there and is a solution for those with seemingly very minor pains.

Metatarsal Pads

It’s a big, big word, but it’s not one that you should be afraid of.  Metatarsal is a big word that means mid foot bones.  This kind of pad is small and goes, as you would guess, in the middle of the foot, to help target a specific place you have issues with.  If you know exactly what the issue is, then this is a good insert type to turn to to try and rectify your problem.


As time has gone on, shoes and inserts have changed through the use of advancing technologies.  One of those is the use of dual layers.  In the past, you would just have one slab of material that was being laid down for your feet to sit on top of.  Now, you have a double layer that can help to cushion you.  Usually the way this works is that a targeted area has double layers of cushioning, rather than just the single.  It’s also different because it’s not one double layer all throughout the length of the shoe.  This fact might confuse people, but it’s easy to understand once pointed out!

Memory Foam

Ahhh.  Speaking of modern tech, this is the one that gets so many excited.  Memory foam has been brilliant at relieving all sorts of problems and providing comfort for people, even those that do not have any noticeable foot problems or pain associated with it.  Memory foam is a lot like gel, but it works by conforming to the individual foot instead of just a being the same general thing for everyone.  By molding to the shape of your foot, it better supports you and feels like it is made for you.  In days of old, this sort of thing was only possible via a doctor, but they have gotten to where it is able to be found over the counter nowadays.


Orthotics are another big, big type of insert for your shoes that can be found to help relieve your pain.  Orthotic inserts, like memory foam, used to be the sort of thing that was only found if you went to a doctor or if you spent a whole bundle of cash.  While you still do typically spend more on this type than with others, it is possible to find them over the counter. Or to find something very similar.  You can still also find them with doctors, since they can point out what you need to fix whatever condition you may have.  There are even some shoes out there now that have built in orthotics so that you don’t have to buy them separately, too.  Shoes have come a long, long way in a short time.

Heel Pads

Some others are going end up being located in just one area: mainly the heels and possibly extending to the middle of the foot.  Technically some might also call this a metatarsal pad, but it’s not entirely true.  This type is for the heels mostly and works great for someone that is having Plantar Fasciitis pain.  They are also much easier to size, since you don’t have to mess with them running all the way through the length of the shoes!

Top Shoe Inserts For Standing  Reviews

  1. Powerstep Pinnacle Shock Absorbing Shoe Insoles

Starting out our list is the Powerstep which is going to be excellent at absorbing shocks, thus making them great for standing all day long. These inserts use strong and very durable EVA, which is great for keeping materials light but cushy at the same time. In the rear of them, they have double layers of cushioning, helping to give you more padding in the heels to give you an easier day.  The arch support is considered to be ‘semi-rigid,’ which is going to make them flexible but not so much so that you don’t have any lock down.  With a fabric that is laced with anti-microbial particles, it’ll help keep you cool and smelling great at the same time.  They are super versatile, working for people with all foot types, making them ideal.  They are not the cheapest option on the list, so that could be a possible negative about them.


  • Absorbs shocks very well
  • Great for all arch types
  • Durable and flexible


  • Expensive
  1. Walk Hero Arch Support Feet Insoles

Following on is another that is great if you want to really target the heels and make sure those are nice and cushioned. With a double layer via deep heel cup, you definitely get that back there to help take that pain away from you as you go about your day and week. This is also very good for arch support, since it won’t apply all of the pressure upon just one place in the soles of the feet.  This is going to make them versatile in the sense that they will absorb blows as you walk, stand, and even run as well.  This is a big bonus if you do decide to use the same pair of shoes, or perhaps a different pair, and want to trade them out quickly.  They work very well with their customers, offering a way to contact them and to make it right if you aren’t happy. They are also pretty affordable as well, so there’s not much to dislike about them!


  • Great heel padding
  • Versatile inserts
  • Good price and service
  1. Alegria Women’s Replacement Insoles

Alegria are well known for making shoes that are both stylish and functional for the workplace, and they have continued that trend by working on a pair of insoles here to help you tackle your day. These are made using a combination of latex, cork, and memory foam, which is going to shape to your foot and give you a much more personalized feel. So not only do you get support and cushioning but you also are basically getting a massage with every single step you take.  And you don’t even have to pay for that!  The main issue with these is that they can only be used, or should only be used, in conjunction with Alegria shoes.  So these are replacements and would be hard to use with other shoes.  They also are expensive, but if you love those shoes and have to keep them longer this is the way to go.


  • Memory foam adds a personal touch
  • Massaging gel feel as you walk
  • Supportive and cushioned


  • Best for Alegria-only shoes
  • Runs on the expensive side
  1. Giotto Unisex Orthotic Inserts

If you want something that is just as good on the field as it is at work and something that is engineered to last a while without forcing you to shell out big bucks, this is the way to turn. These inserts are made with semi-rigid arch support so that you get some flexibility without going overboard and just folding over and hurting you. With a double layer in the heel area, the deep cup is going to cradle your heels and feet and help to alleviate all of that excess pain you need to get rid of.  Because of this combination, you are able to get help against all sorts of ailments, like bunions, Plantar Fasciitis, and even fatigue, too.  They even offer a 30-day no questions asked money back guarantee to help further drive you to have confidence in them.  That’s really a big deal that can’t be overlooked.


  • Affordable but durable
  • Flexes just right amount
  • Good on the field and at work
  1. Envelop Full Length Gel Insoles

If comfort and cooling are your main concerns, then these very affordable gel pads are a great way or you to turn. With a honeycomb design that is made to take pressure off various points of the foot, you’ll be feeling a lot less fatigued at the end of the day. It is a single layer of cushioning, yes, but it’s still good for supplying support and a decent amount of cushion as well.  The support type is considered neutral, which means it’s a good general insole that will fit virtually anyone.  It’s got ergonomic contours, which help to fit to the specific foot of the wearer, further giving you a personalized touch without crossing over into memory foam territory.  They are very lightweight, can be tailored if you need them to be, and they are also backed up by a 60-day guarantee.


  • Light and flexible
  • Comfortable and cools well
  • Ergonomic fit


  • Not the most durable
  1. Copper Compression Anti-Fatigue Shoe Inserts

The idea of copper being used and infused in clothing has become commonplace recently, and it’s no wonder why. It miraculously works to reduce fatigue, so if you’re main problem is feeling sluggish in the middle and later parts of the day, then these are just right for you. They have a honeycomb design in the heels that essentially give you a massage as you take each step, further giving you comfort as the day progresses.  With a full money back guarantee, they are really putting their money where their mouth is and giving you the chance to try something that could be a major help in your life.  These can be worn every single day, and that alone might be enough to sway some people that have tried insoles that don’t hold up well.  These are just as good athletically as they are for standing, too, which is a big relief to a certain portion of folks.


  • Massages as you walk
  • Copper reduces fatigue
  • Good, versatile inserts
  1. Dr. Scholl’s Women’s Work Massaging Gel Insoles

Dr. Scholl’s has been in the game for a very long time and are mainstays so it’s no shock to see them here. These inserts are made out of gel in order to give you comfort and coolness at the same time. These are best for those of us that work on hard surfaces throughout the day, meaning they will be excellent for standing on concrete due to their design.  It’s hard to officially call them double layered, but the heel in does have additional ‘oomph’ to it to help alleviate some of the load placed upon it and disperse it all around the foot.  The firm columns they have used and laced the inserts with mean you get good arch support.  On top of that, you get a money back guarantee should you not like what you feel with them on.  You do have to trim these to get them to fit properly.


  • Comfy and cool
  • Great for concrete
  • Well known brand


  • Trim needed to fit
  1. DJMED Stamina Soft Shoe Women’s Insoles

If you have pain in the heels and you find yourself tired as you progress through the day, then these insoles will do quite the job at reversing that. These have shock absorbing gels in two strategic places- the heel and the forefoot- helping to target those two areas while deciding to go with more rigidity over the course of the rest of the foot. What this produces is a lot of comfort and flexibility for those two places but also support and cushion elsewhere.  Even if they don’t have gel all around, they are still quite breathable, helping you to get much needed air in and to be able to get all of that sweat and odor away.  These are also going to need you to be able to trim them up to get them right, so careful care will be a must have.


  • Very breathable
  • Gel targets trouble spots
  • Flexible but rigid in places


  • Trim job needed
  1. Trek Support Women’s Work Gel Inserts

If you’re looking for a no frills, inexpensive gel pad insert then this is one way to go. These inserts from Trek are made for those who are on their feet all day and utilize a honeycomb design that helps to give you excellent shock absorption when you are on hard surface areas. Not only in this nice to have, but they also have been made in such a way to help replenish your energy supply, making sure you don’t feel overly taxed and fatigued as you go on about your day.  There are ventilation holes up top on the upper layer along with PU that helps to be cushy yet supportive and responsive.  You do get quite a boost up in your shoes with these, so that might take some adjusting to.  But it’s better than sitting down low to the ground like some of the others do.


  • Vented well
  • Absorbs all-day shocks
  • Very inexpensive


  • Not the most durable
  1. Copper Fit Balance Infused Orthotic Insoles

Last on the list is another copper infused listing that attempts to replicate high dollar orthotics. With a double layer of cushioning in the heels, you have plenty of coverage there to help make sure you are feeling as good as you can. Made from a lot of mesh, these are also quite breathable and will make sure that you don’t have puddles of sweat forming inside your shoes as you go about a long, hard day on the job.  These are best made for those who have a tendency to overpronate, so if that’s you then you will like these because they will take care of those issues.  With fabric that reduces odors and bacteria, you’ll be even more thankful for these inserts keeping you both happy and healthy.  It is a little hard to place these into your shoes for some people, so be prepared for that eventuality.


  • Double layers in heel
  • Very breathable
  • Odor reduction


  • Not the easiest to put in place

Conclusion And Final Shoe Inserts For Standing All Day Recommendations

Let’s just face it.  Shopping for anything nowadays is tough.  You have to set aside time to do it if you want to go in person, all the while fighting traffic and other people when you get there.  Or you can go online and traverse your way through thousands of entries that all seem to be the same.  Even doing research yourself can prove to be tough since you have to go from one page to the next to get the whole picture.  Instead of doing all of that, our buying guide has helped to give you all of the information in one spot so that you can make the best purchase for you and your needs.  Whether it’s something to give you arch support or just a desire to have a more plush feeling in your shoes for the long day on your feet, you’ll have plenty of places to begin your search now!

FAQ’s About Shoe Inserts For Standing All Day

Do Insoles Need To Be Replaced?

Insoles are just like your shoes, so the answer here is a clear and obvious “yes.”  You do need to change out your insoles every now and then so that you are getting the full support that you need.  Just like your shoes, there is a lot of stress placed upon them.  From the moment you take them out of their packaging and put them in your shoes and begin wearing them, you have started their clock.  The more you wear them, the less time you will have with them.  You can wear them out quicker this way.  It’s just a fact of life.  The harder you ride something, the more taxed it will be.  Generally, expect for a pair of insoles to last six to nine months.  But it really does vary.  If you notice you are hurting more and don’t have as much support, then you should look to replace them as soon as possible.

How Do You Clean Insoles?

A lot of people are going to be very interested in figuring out how they can keep their insoles as clean as they can, and the answer is to clean them as you go.  By doing it a little at a time and fixing the problem when it arises, you don’t have a bigger issue develop.  The best way to clean them is to use a mild detergent like soap and decently warm water.  You can use a toothbrush to wipe away any stains that might have came up. When you get done, just rinse it out as best you can and let them air dry.  Make sure to not use water on cloth or foam, though, since it can and will damage the inserts.  Also, never use a dryer.  This is awful and destructive for both shoes and inserts alike due to the extreme temperature.

Do Insoles Really Work?

If you pick the right insert and install it properly, and give it time to do the job then yes it should.  They are not magical and will not correct problems overnight, but a lot of the time they can become a new best friend for you.  You will not want to even consider going without them when you attempt to stand all day, and that’s truly where the value lies with them.  All kinds of shoe types work well with them, so you just have to find what works for you and let them do the work.

How Do I Tell If They Are Working?

This is going to be very subjective to the individual, but it should be obvious for you.  If you are less sore after a day on your feet than you used to be, then it’s already working for you.  You also can tell if they are working if you have less pain in the back or neck, as we also discussed earlier.  It’s all just dependent on you.  But give it some time, it’s not going to work straight away in most cases.

What Do I Do If I’m Diabetic?

Outside of working with your doctor to find the best solution, you need to make sure to have a very soft and forgiving insert that gives you plenty of room.  Also, be sure to check and make sure that your shoes will fit an insert.  If it does not, then you will want to rethink getting one as it could cause you to develop blisters or maybe something even worse.

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