The Best Gym Shoes of 2021 [Buying Guide & Review]

Best Gym shoes

Believe it or not, but not all athletic shoes are created equal.  This fact, albeit disturbing for a few folks,  is sure to be one that bothers some but is still a fact nonetheless.  Taking and wearing the same old shoes for every single thing you do is just not a good idea, and the use of a good, general pair of shoes is absolutely paramount when you are at the gym.  Today, we are going to take a look at the best gym shoes in our buying guide.  We will go into details about how each shoe should be made, why they should be that way, and the benefits that you receive from them as a result.  We’ll then rank the top ten most popular pairs out there in our reviews, giving you an opportunity to find a place to start.  So, let’s get to it then!

Top Gym Shoes Comparison Chart

ProductMaterialPriceWhere to Buy?
1. New Balance Women’s FuelCore Nergize V1 Cross TrainerSynthetic$$$Check Price On Amazon
2. Under Armour Men’s Micro G Assert 7 SneakerTextile and Synthetic$$Check Price On Amazon
3. Puma Men’s Tazon 6 Fracture FM Cross TrainerSynthetic Leather$$$Check Price On Amazon
4. Reebok Men’s Crossfit Nano 8.0 FlexweaveSynthetic $$$$Check Price On Amazon
5. Adidas Powerlift 3.1 Men’s ShoesSynthetic$$$Check Price On Amazon
6. Nike Women’s In-Season Cross Trainer 7Textile and Synthetic$$$Check Price On Amazon
7. Nike Men’s Retaliation Trainer CrossTextile and Synthetic$$$$Check Price On Amazon
8. Asics Men’s Gel Venture 6 Running ShoesSynthetic$$$Check Price On Amazon
9. Whitin Men’s Minimalist Zero Drop Cross TrainerRubber sole$Check Price On Amazon
10. Champion Men’s Gusto Cross TrainerMesh And Fabric$Check Price On Amazon

Gym Shoes Buying Guide

Athletic Shoes

Athletic shoes, tennis shoes, running shoes: these are all names attributed to what is the same thing in our mind.  We have been conditioned to look at them as being the exact same thing, but alas they are not.  If you looked closely, you would see a wide range of differences.  These differences, although as tiny as they may be, can make a world of changes to the way that your feet feel and the way that you perform.  Because of that, you can’t assume that any one pair is going to be good for everything that you might do.  With that said, what our ultimate goal is today is to find pairs of shoes for you to wear at the gym that will allow you to do various workouts.  This way, you will be protected and get the best possible performance at the same time.

Why Running Shoes and Others Don’t Work

So many of us think that running shoes are the bread and butter of footwear.  Maybe that’s true, but it doesn’t mean they are perfect and incapable of falling short of what we need.  Running shoes are made for one purpose, and that is to get you moving forward.  If you ever look beneath to the soles, this is obvious.  Unless they are designed for some other form of running, the treads are clearly facing forward.  Try wearing them for a workout in which you move from side to side in them.  You’ll also soon find out that they are not too good at providing you lateral support.  Don’t even think about trying to jump in them.  Well, you can jump.  Just the landing part is going to be painful.  Not to mention, they are flimsy in the toes, since speed is such a desire.  This makes them awful if you want to hold a plank.  There are so many reasons why running shoes just don’t hold up well for a good gym shoe.  Sure, you can use them, and you could find far worse examples out there, but they still don’t protect much.  Other athletic shoes oftentimes don’t meet expectations, either.  A lot of times, they are too bulky.  Perhaps because they were made for casual wear, or they are just too light, much like running shoes are.

Exercise ‘Types’

There are a ton of exercises that you could in the world.  Some are still being invented, we suppose, though they have all probably been done before at some point.  At any rate, whether it’s a new version of an old exercise or a move that’s been done for ages, there are types of exercises that most people find themselves doing at the gym.  Here, we’ll break down those things and point out why a shoe is important to each.


Most people will instantly correlate cardio exercises to the treadmill, and that is understandable.  While there is a whole lot more to cardio, this is unfortunately, the extent to which most people take it.  Running on a treadmill is very similar to regular running, only you are doing it inside and on a machine.  So, this is going to only change the scenario a little.  You don’t necessarily need a running shoe to do this, so don’t be fooled into thinking that.  You just need something supportive and fairly protective.


The other thing that most people end up doing at the job is lifting weights.  You are probably in one of these two camps or are someone that incorporates a little bit of both, if you are like most regular folks.  Nothing wrong with that, and it’s awesome you are working out, but it is very ordinary.  With weights, you face special challenges that you don’t encounter with the treadmill.  With weights, you have more pressure put upon the body.  This can compress toward the feet and it puts a lot of stress and strain on shoes.  Weight lifting has been shown to absolutely kill the life of running shoes quicker than almost anything else, so you have to have something strong, absorbent, and also responsive.


This type of exercise is often combined with cardio, but it is something totally different in to itself.  Plyometrics is basically “jump training,” using your legs to propel you.  This type of exercise is done to strengthen legs and to create explosiveness and was a pillar of the workout program ‘P90X.’  It’s helped many athletes improve their performance on the field, and it works well at giving you additional power in traditional weight training.  You often see plyo boxes used for this, but you don’t have to have any special equipment in order to train in this.  It is very taxing on the shoes, so you have to have excellent support.

Floor Work

You can’t forget to mention floor work here, either!  Abs are something that you need to work, as well as the glutes, shoulders, and IT band, etc.  You can’t get it all done by just standing up, so getting down on the floor is important.  Shoes that allow you to do plank are the best when it comes to gym shoes.  If you have ever tried doing push ups or holding a plank with shoes that have a flimsy upper, you will know all too well how hard it is.  You just can’t stay in place, and if you do, the brunt of your weight is placed in the toes and makes them dig hard into the ground.  This hurts and makes shoes wears out quickly, so you need to have a hard cap on them.

Cross Training

Cross training, or Crossfit to many, is a form of exercise that essentially combines all of these disciplines into one workout.  A lot of people think it’s just cardio with weights, but it goes a lot deeper than that.  It’s got a lot of components to it, so you have to have a shoe that is able to take a lot of sustained damage from all sorts of things.  That’s one reason that cross trainers will be so prevalent in our reviews here in a bit.

What To Look For in a Gym Shoe

OK, so now that we know that running shoes and others aren’t all they are cracked up to be, what’s the next step supposed to be?  What do you need in a good, solid gym shoe?  This long section is going to break down some of the varying aspects so that you can get a better grasp on what you are looking for and why you need it so badly.


We discussed support briefly above, but that was just the tip of the iceberg.  As stated, tennis shoes and others made for walking and leisurely activities, are going to provide you with only so much support.  They will only be able to do this if you are moving in one direction or if you are moving in a direction slowly or with as little power as possible.  Do this sound like the kind of thing you’re doing when lifting weights?  When we lift weights, it’s the opposite of this.  We are putting a lot of pressure into the floor, and thus the shoes are taxed greatly.  You don’t move slowly, either.  You want to explode, on most moves at least, and that creates tension and calls on unquestioned support.  The same goes when you take weights out of the equation.  Let’s think about a lateral lunge.  Even with no extra weights applied to the situation, you are putting a lot of power in, whether you are moving fast or slow to hold the pose for longer.  You also want the ability to be able to move backwards, too.  Most running shoes don’t allow you the ability to do this well at all.  You’ll want to be able to do step back lunges and the like.  Maybe you want to step up on the bench and then come down into a reverse lunge.  A supportive shoe is the only kind that will allow you to see consistently better results without hurting your toes.  Lastly, you want to have support going up and down, too.  Running shoes are awful, repeat awful, for jumping.  They are used to a lot of force being placed on them, sure, but this force is not nearly the same amount you are asking of them by jumping up and down.  This will erode the integrity of those shoes in very quick fashion, leaving you with a mere shell of what you once had beneath you.  If you are doing plyo work, with boxes or without, you need to find shoes that can sustain that.  Yes, you can get away with other types of shoes, but it will catch up with your over time and will hamper your performance and progression.

Being Low to The Ground

If you have ever worked out before with a massive, clunky pair of shoes, then you will know what a difference it makes.  It’s no fun at all.  Those shoes look great on the basketball court and they keep you from rolling your ankles like crazy, but they’re not really the best for working out.  They are harder to run in, since they are heavier, and they have a whole lot more lock down to them.  This isn’t necessarily bad, but it does take freedom of movement away.  That’s something you need for a multitude of exercises at the job.  That goes for weight lifting, cardio, and plyometrics.  Being restricted in movement just pure out stinks and is not ideal.  That’s one reason you want to be lower to the ground.  Being able to squat and deadlift is so much easier when you have a flatter shoe, since your feet are able to splay out and make full contact with the floor.  Other exercises are also helped tremendously by this.  Because you will have support, as we underlined above, it’s not as if you are left totally unguarded by being down there, either!

Having Some Weight

One of the things that modern running shoes have done very well is to take the weight out of the equation.  More and more shoes on the market are seen as ‘minimalist’ now in large part to technologies released by shoe companies that make them lighter while still being supportive and protective.  However, with a good, functional, and versatile gym shoe, you actually are going to want some of that weight.  Sure, you don’t want them to weigh a pound apiece, no, but you do want to have something to them, provided you are going to be doing more powerful, explosive workouts.  When you have a heavier, not ultra heavy, pair of shoes, you are going to be afforded more protection.  That’s a simple truth that we should just come to know and expect.  Without the weight, you’re just not going to get as much, even with the brilliant advance in aforementioned technology.

Lock Down

Despite not wanting to be totally locked into just one place, you need shoes that are going to keep you safe and secure while you are working out.  This is especially the case when you are lifting weights.  Yes, the heavier you go, the more strain there is, but that doesn’t mean there is no pressure put upon you and no potential damage that can be done as a result of improperly using lighter weights.  This is where lock down comes into the picture.  A good pair of gym shoes will lock you in to the shoes and make sure you do not slip.  A slip inside of your shoes at the wrong moment can have a range of poor outcomes.  You might not get the rep you wanted, or you could become injured seriously.  Neither is good, but the second is the nightmare you want to avoid.  Look for ways that the shoes are able to lock you in, such as with a deep heel counter, rather than just thinking that a high top will do the trick.  Remember, being close to the ground is a big goal as well!

Parts of the Shoe

We looked at some of the basic things you needed to have above, but here is where we are going to take a good, close but swift look at the parts of the shoe that you need to know.  Knowing these terms and their importance can and will help you understand and make a better, more informed decision.


The upper part of the shoe is the part that you see right off the bat.  This is the part that you are going to be staring at if you look directly down and it’s the part on which you will be putting pressure on if you are doing push ups.  This part is going to need to have some thickness to it.  It doesn’t have to be super thick, unless you want it as you do super heavy weight lifting, but it does need to have some strength so that it doesn’t just give way any time and any place.  This part of the shoe can use a number of materials, but traditionally it has used leather.  Nowadays, expect to see a combination of synthetics and mesh, since they will allow the upper to be flexible and breathable while also being rigid enough to hold you up and last a while.


The midsole of the shoe is the quiet workhorse that too often goes unnoticed.  We talked about how vital support was, and this is the thing that is going to help either bring that to you or deny it.  The midsole is there in order to absorb shocks.  But it’s also going to determine how much responsiveness you have.  Sometimes, you will have one but not the other.  Not being responsive will mean the shoes don’t allow you to move freely enough and that it’s just sort of slow for you.  That’s not ideal at all, but it is better than having a weak midsole.  Usually, a shoe with a lack of a good midsole is going to show itself out as it will cause your feet to ache.


The outsoles are going to be on the outer edges of the shoes, and they will not seem like they are there for very much at all.  This area, though, could prove to be the place where the most impact on you is made.  This spot has a ton of potential to give you what you need: support.  Just like midsoles, they are underrated, but unlike them they can be seen.  This is in the form of tiny grooves in a lot of cases.  Sometimes they are much bigger and more pronounced.  They can be either vertical in nature, or they can be wider.  The idea behind them is to not be there for looks.  Instead, they are there to help take pressure off the feet and to create a bigger base.  This will allow even more shock absorption to take place.  Running shoes rarely feature much, if any, of this when compared to shoes made for heavy duty training, so that’s another reason why they are not ideal for this sort of workout.


The insole also has work to do, though this shouldn’t be overestimated.  A large group of people look at the inserts of a shoe as the telling factor of a pair of shoes.  But in reality, it should just be a small part of it.  Sure, you do want to be comfortable once you get them on, but you also don’t want to sacrifice a nice, cushy feeling in there with a lack of support and cushioning elsewhere.  The insoles need to be to your liking, so don’t forget that.  The tongue and the collar, as well as the heel counter are also very important to you.  Sometimes, people find the tongue of a shoe to be irritating.  Maybe it rubs you or won’t stay put. Things like that have a tendency to distract you from your workout, and that can lead to either poor performance or injury, neither of which are what we want.  The heel counter and collar are also crucial pieces to the puzzle.  If you find that the material in the back of the shoes rubs up against you in the wrong way, then you are in for a lot of annoyance as well.

The Soles

The sole of the shoes, along with the inserts, are the two places that are easiest to judge by you, and for that reason, you don’t need as much advice or help there.  With that said, you need good, grippy soles that offer good traction for you.  This traction should not be all in one direction, as you would get with running shoes, however.  You need traction when you move from side to side, and you need to be able to have confidence that they will keep you planted firmly to the floor when you are lifting.  There are shoes that don’t such a good job of that, and those will cause you to effectively slide as you lift.  This is very dangerous, for a number of reasons, and it’s another thing that you should avoid doing at all costs.

Fitting Yourself

Making sure that you are wearing the right shoes is only going to work if you are wearing the correct size.  No one is going to get the most out of their shoes if they are ill fitting, and that’s ultimately going to be done to you.  Here are a few steps to help make sure you don’t get caught unaware with your fit and that everything works out smooth for you.

  • Check your sizes every couple of years. It may not sound like much, but we do tend to have small shifts in our sizes from time to time.  As you grow muscle, this could also change, or you could have swelling or the such to have to account for that you previously might not have had.
  • If you are unable to go in store to try on shoes, which is a great idea that will let you compare the sizes of various brands to one another, then you need to take heed of any sizing charts that are available to you.  These charts can help you determine what to wear.  Sometimes, sellers will even recommend that you go up or down in sizes, depending on how they run.  Reviews and research are also good indicators of whether or not the shoes are going to be able to be worn at your ‘normal’ size or if you need to make an alteration.  We’ll make mention of any that happen to run too large or too small in our reviews, but unfortunately we won’t always be here with you!
  • When you do try on shoes, if you do, you should always make sure to do a couple of things.  One of them is to try them on when you are warmed up.  When you lift weights or do cardio, you are going to causing the heart to pump out blood, making your feet swell up.  This can throw off sizing greatly if you don’t factor it in.  If you’re in a store, make sure to either walk around some beforehand or go right after exercise.  Also, make sure to wear the same or similar socks, too.  It wouldn’t make much sense to see how they feel with something else entirely on.  Trying shoes on after you have had them shipped to you is also a very good idea as well, since you need to make sure they fit well on you.
  • When you do try to fit, make sure you leave yourself a little bit of extra room.  Your toes need to have space between them and the ends of the shoes, especially for when the swelling takes place.  A lot of people end up getting blisters because they don’t factor this in, and they end up complaining about it and blaming the shoes.
  • Try to balance out the width and the length as best you can.  Some of us find our feet to be very wide, in relation to shoes at least, and this causes us trouble in squeezing in to some pairs.  The answer many turn to is to go up a size or two.  This is not always a bad idea, but it usually is.  It’s just not the wisest thing you can do, since it throws off the length.  Certain companies tend to run small and narrow, and a lot of times it’s best to steer clear if that is a problem for you.  Brand loyalty is nice to have, since you will be virtually assured of the shoes’ exact fit on you.


It’d be a guide lacking something if we didn’t talk about comfort.  No matter what the kind of shoe you have, making sure it is comfortable is always going to be a key.  Without it, you are going to hate going to the gym, and you will find ways to avoid it.  Trust us, it has happened to plenty of people in the past.  Comfort, though, needs to be seen from a wide point of view.  There is little reason to just think that comfort is going to be high if you have a plush insole.  This is definitely not going to be the case.  You need to have a more complete view of it.  If there is anything that puts you in a situation where you don’t feel good, then you are lacking comfort.  You may have little to no support causing it, the inserts could be too thin, or you may find the shoes to be too narrow.  All of these, and even more, can cause you to have a truly terrible time in the gym.


The price of a pair of good gym shoes is going to just depend on the quality of shoes you have decided to go with and the specific nature of them.  A lot of the time, shoes that are very specialized are going to cost you more money than ones that are made for general purposes. More and thicker materials will also cost you more, as will brand reputation.  You have to balance out all of these factors and ultimately decide which means the most to you.  You can find some really good deals out there, but taking a gamble on footwear is something you do have to think long and hard about.  Durability is also an aspect of this.  Cheaper shoes are not going to hold up as well, in most cases, as shoes that are made with a better process and use better materials.  A lot of times, you get what you pay for and value ends up coming out about the same in all honesty!

Knowing Yourself

All of this information is well and good, but one of the most important things you need to do is take a good look in the mirror and consider what it is that you are looking to accomplish at the job.  Are you someone that is going to be lifting a lot of weights or are you someone that does cardio?  Do you frequently work on abs, or do you just do a couple of things that everyone else does?  As much as we’d like to see you take a more holistic approach, we realize there are some people that just aren’t going to be doing that.  So, take some time and decide what kind of shoes you want.  Are you happy with something that will take care of you in weight training, or will you want something closer to a running shoe, just with slightly more protection?  Or do you want something between?  Below, we have all three choices, though the third is going to be more prevalent since we want to emphasize that!

The Top Ten Gym Shoes of 2019 Reviews

  1. New Balance Women’s FuelCore Nergize V1 Cross Trainer

Coming in a wide array of colors that will be sure to make even the pickiest people happy, these shoes from New Balance are great for a number of purposes in the gym. With a comfortable memory foam comfort insert and their Revlit midsole foam, these shoes are able to pad you from the blows of jumping and lifting just as capably. One of the great things about these is also the feel of them, which is much like that of a bootie. They are thus like a slip on in that regard, with you being able to easily pull them on and take them off, yet you are still given plenty of lock down and won’t be moving inside of them.  With great traction beneath, you’ll be able to go in any direction and will do so capably.


  • Tons of color choices
  • Slip on feel
  • Great foam cushioning
  1. Under Armour Men’s Micro G Assert 7 Sneaker

If you want a shoe that is able to take quite a blow and keep on ticking, then don’t bypass this offering from UA. These shoes are made with a micro G midsole foam, all in one piece, helping to increase comfort while still giving you the tons of support that you desperately need. With a reinforced outsole and sole, they have made sure that you won’t be losing durability all while keeping the weight down to as little as possible.  With an EVA sockliner inside, your comfort level is ratcheted up even more.  In terms of materials, they brilliantly have used leather inside to create more stability, while using mesh and synthetics outside to you give breathability and flexibility without a ton of tears being possible.  The style is a little understated, but overall these look great and will also feel great on you.


  • Very, very breathable
  • Reinforced rubber
  • Stable and well built
  1. Puma Men’s Tazon 6 Fracture FM Cross Trainer

This pair of shoes will allow you to crossover to all sorts of exercises, including running and lifting weights, making it ideal for many. With a very sturdy makeup that consists of a lot of rubber on the outsoles and a very thick toe area, these are going to lock you into place on the floor as you intended to be. In the heel of them is a pronounced area that is clearly designed to absorb shocks, helping you to enjoy your time in the gym more without the aches and pains.  One of the issues you will face with these is that they do lack a certain bit of flexibility.  For some, this will be fine, particularly if you are doing a lot of weights, but for others this will be seen as a definite deal breaker even with the durability they promise to bring.


  • Sturdy and durable
  • Reinforced toe
  • Absorbs shocks well


  • Not super flexible
  1. Reebok Men’s Crossfit Nano 8.0 Flexweave

In the world of Crossfit, these shoes are considered to be toward the top of the pile, and it’s easy to see why. This, the eighth iteration, has expanded upon the past with a design that is comfortable, supportive, and freeing all at the same time. With a bootie like heel thanks to the low top, a great midsole area that utilizes lightweight EVA, and an outsole that has been laced to ensure that abrasion does not take place, these shoes are made to last in all sorts of workouts.  The EVA helps to cut down the weight of them, which makes them effective at running and cardio, while still remaining just as capable with lifting.  Not to mention all of the snazzy colors they have on show, which is quite considerable to say the least.  With no drop to them, you are super stable, too, helping you grip the floor.


  • Light and flexible
  • Very stable and durable
  • Resists abrasions
  1. Adidas Powerlift 3.1 Men’s Shoes

If you are looking for something that is a little bit more geared toward lifting, then this is an option for you to go with. As always, it seems, Adidas has brought out ton of stylish colors, from the classy to the flashy. But the shoes have plenty about them besides that to make them stand out.  First of which is the hook and loop strap that secures you further to the floor. Not only is it there for look, but it’s also intended to help lock you in better and help customize your fit. With a narrow fit to them, these are meant to compress you and to help you get the utmost power out of your work.  They are flat to the floor but are raised up slightly so that you do have some cushioning, helping you absorb shocks from those tough and heavy exercises that are relentless.


  • Great for weights
  • Strap secures and stabilizes
  • Cushioned but fairly flat


  • Too narrow for some
  1. Nike Women’s In-Season Cross Trainer 7

Nike delivers a very flat looking shoe here, meant to help ladies out in all sorts of areas. With a ton of mesh used all around the shoe, these are going to be super breathable, helping you go from weights to cardio in the blink of an eye without overheating you. The outsole is laced with rubber ‘pods,’ which have been placed there in order to give traction and stability to the wearer, all while also giving you added cushioning to help support your joints through the lift. With foam that is made with double layers and a sockliner that is super cushy beneath and beside your feet, the comfort level is turned up a notch with them.  They even have flex grooves that help promote a more natural range of motion and gait, which is a recipe for keeping down the number of injuries you could pick up.  Arch support is lacking for many, so running long distances is likely a no-go.


  • Very spongy and comfy
  • Extreme breathability
  • Promotes natural range of motion


  • Not a lot of arch support
  1. Nike Men’s Retaliation Trainer Cross

Here is a second option from Nike, and like the last, this one is also a good idea for a cross trainer. The thing you’ll like most about these is that they are very intuitive for hard training. They have a ton of mesh all around them, including in the oft overlooked tongue area, and they also have a toe tip made from rubber that is going to give you additional padding and will make them last longer.  Their now traditional flywire cables lock you in to the shoes without fancy frills, while the rubbered outsole does an excellent job at giving you grip on all sorts of surfaces. For these reasons, they make for a better than average pair of cross trainers.  And they also look very nice, which is a major bonus to have.  They are even wider than most Nikes, though the brunt of the weight is in the heel, so that will take some adjustment.


  • Very, very breathable
  • Great grip
  • Excellent looks


  • Weight mostly in heels
  1. Asics Men’s Gel Venture 6 Running Shoes

We just had to include one running shoe on here, for those that want a little less and don’t need all of the protection. Generally running shoes don’t work that well in the gym, but these are an exception because of Asics’ tried and true gel cushioning system that helps sustain the blows. A lot of people try running shoes for walking and standing and working out only to see them fail, but these have been proven to be up to the task.  With a removable sockliner, which is very comfortable by the way, you are able to tailor them to you and get the most out of them. If you find yourself not needing to do much more than get on the treadmill and on your back for ab work, then these would do you very well indeed.


  • Very light
  • Great for less impactful moves
  • Cushioned extremely well


  • Colors are a little dull
  • Not for powerful exercises
  1. Whitin Men’s Minimalist Zero Drop Cross Trainer

There’s been that shift to minimalism that we talked about earlier, and it’s gotten to the point where it’s crossed over to these, a pair of cross trainers that are made to feel like you have nothing on. With zero drop to them, you are right down on the floor, making these ideal for deadlifts, for starters. With a new glove like fit for your toes and a little bit of reinforcement there, you are able to get the most out of that area while keeping you fairly secure. The looks are pretty cool, with a few colors and a camo pattern being played out, while the price is a very inexpensive.  These are going to take some getting used to, and they might not be best for those super hard and explosive workouts, but they are great for getting you closer to nature and making you feel more natural and flexible with your workout.


  • Very good price
  • No drop puts you on the ground
  • Flexible and natural movement


  • Not easy to adjust to at first
  • Might be best for lighter workouts
  1. Champion Men’s Gusto Cross Trainer

If you are looking for a budget price, but don’t want to go as minimal as the above listing was, then this offering from Champion is a decent place to look. These shoes are inexpensive and come in a number of very nice looking colors. They are constructed with a lot of mesh to promote breathability all over the shoes and are very soft inside.  They utilize a soft collar that is padded and have memory foam inside to make sure that you feel good during your workout.  With such an abundant use of mesh, you can expect them to be much less heavy than some of the others on the list, which also shows the toe areas are a little bit weaker.  That may not matter as much for your purposes, but it might impact your decision.  The other worry, given the price and the type of material used, will be the durability.  These aren’t likely to last as long, though the price you pay is going to be tough to beat.


  • Affordable price
  • Very breathable and light
  • Colorful and vibrant


  • Durability is a concern
  • Not much relief for the toes

Conclusion And Final Gym Shoes Recommendations

Gym shoes can come in a couple of varieties, but by and large the best ones are going to be the ones that allow you to have a wide range of uses out of them.  Having a good, versatile shoe will take a lot of the pressure off of you and your knackered body, all the while helping you have the ability to keep your workout routine fresh and new.  If you are doing the same exercises time and time again, as studies show, you not only will peak with your maxes but you will also get burnt out and potentially quit doing them altogether.  Rather than go down that path, you can get a pair of shoes that will help you combat all sorts of exercises, that way you can head to the gym and tackle a new ‘subject’ area every day and remain fitter and fresher than before with your new, awesome gym shoes!

FAQ’s About Gym Shoes

Can You Wear Specific Shoes for Specific Exercises?

Yes, you can do this, and many people do.  For example, some people like to wear the classic Converse sneakers to do deadlifts.  This is the super extreme, super heavy version, mind you.  These are just good for that sort of exercise, though they would be pretty awful at other things.  There are other examples of this as well, but this is the most common one you will see.  This way, obviously, is very expensive and thus isn’t a route that all that many decide to take as a result.

Do I Really Need More Than One Pair?

We have done our best to give you options to help keep you away from this eventuality.  You can have more than one pair, perhaps one for certain exercises and another pair for others, but that does prove problematic to a lot of people.  It’s costly, for one, plus you have to lug around two pairs of shoes with you.  Then, you have to take time to change from one pair to another in the middle of a workout.  You just start to see how that’s a lot to ask of someone.  Now, if you want to get two pairs, it could, in theory, save you money, since you will be using each less often.  But it’s really just dependent on what you want and need.

How Long Does Breaking Them In Take?

Unfortunately, this is just a matter of what shoes you are looking at.  Some shoes are super easy to break in, so easy in fact that you can put them on and wear them straight out of the box.  Others, though, are going to require some TLC.  You will need to put them on and wear them for a time.  You’ll want to walk around the house and wear them a bit.  As you get used to them, you can wear them for longer and longer stretches.  Once you are used to them, you can start working out in them.  A note you should be aware of is that if you have a pair of shoes that is uncomfortable, breaking them in is very unlikely to fix that.  It could, but most of the time it’s another issue besides them not being broke in.  They simply just might not mesh well with your specific feet, such is the peculiar way that shoes sometimes work.

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