Author Archive: Brian Wentz
Brian Wentz
August 1, 2019
Like it or not, admit or not, but we have all judged people based solely on their appearance at some point or another. It’s an ugly truth, but it’s one that we’ve all participated in. One of the chief ways…
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Brian Wentz
August 1, 2019
Cross country. Two ominous words that strike fear into the hearts of many. It’s a tough, tough sport that requires a ton of willpower and sheer cardiovascular aptitude. But that’s not all it takes to be successful at it. It…
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Brian Wentz
August 1, 2019
When most people think about the best shoes, the first thing on their minds is going to be comfort. Comfort is essential. Without it, you’re simply not going to wear the shoes, no matter how cool or useful they might…
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Brian Wentz
August 1, 2019
Walking might seem to be a very simple form of exercise that virtually anyone can complete, but what many people don’t realize is that there is a whole lot more to it. Depending on the type of work you do,…
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Brian Wentz
August 1, 2019
One of the biggest bummers you can experience with your shoes is that yucky smell that comes along with them. Let’s just face it. Some us simply stink more than others. For the rest, we are just looking for a…
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Brian Wentz
August 1, 2019
When it comes to running shoes, there are a plethora of them out there on the open market. From shoes that have very minimal features to ones that look like they came directly from outer space, you can run the…
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Brian Wentz
August 1, 2019
Have you ever found the perfect shoes you could ever imagine only to find out that they weren’t quite so perfect after all? There was just something a little bit off about them. Nothing major, but just enough to make…
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Brian Wentz
July 23, 2019
One of the biggest bummers in life is when something breaks. Sometimes, this isn’t that big of a deal, because it can be replaced. But when it comes to your favorite shoes, this might not be the case. Maybe they…
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Brian Wentz
July 23, 2019
Believe it or not, but not all athletic shoes are created equal. This fact, albeit disturbing for a few folks, is sure to be one that bothers some but is still a fact nonetheless. Taking and wearing the same old…
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Brian Wentz
July 23, 2019
It’s said that no two snowflakes are the same. Much like that, no two people’s feet are exactly the same, either. Instead, we each have our own specific challenges from which we have to overcome. Today, we are going to…
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