Author Archive: Brian Wentz
Brian Wentz
August 19, 2019
Flat feet make it really hard to run without any pain, let alone enjoy running. Thus, Americans with flat feet often avoid running at all. However, this should not be the case. Instead, anyone with flat feet should get help…
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Brian Wentz
August 19, 2019
As a guard, your team relies on you for a number of things. You need to be able to pass to your teammates, dribble away from opponents, and even make a basket or two when the clock is running out….
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Brian Wentz
August 19, 2019
If you’ve ever played any hoops at all, you’ll know that your shoes take quite the beating. Running, jumping, diving for loose balls, the game never stops. That action is only ramped up a notch- or two- when you get…
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Brian Wentz
August 19, 2019
Whether it’s because jeans are your favorite bit of attire or you want to use them for their sheer versatility, they can be a great way to spice up your look and save some money in the process. The only…
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Brian Wentz
August 19, 2019
For the longest time, footwear was not very specialized. Only in the 80s and 90s did shoes truly start to get more and more tailored toward you. One such pair has helped out climbers tremendously: that of approach shoes. In…
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Brian Wentz
August 19, 2019
If there is one constant in footwear that we all seek it is comfort and style. While we may disagree on what is stylish, and we all will have our differences on what ‘comfort’ is, we can still come to…
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Brian Wentz
August 19, 2019
As simple as it may seem or sound to say, sometimes a pair of plain white shoes are just the perfect choice for you. Whether it’s because you have such a huge array of colors in your wardrobe, or you…
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Brian Wentz
August 18, 2019
Let’s just face the cold, hard, ugly truth. Your favorite shoes, no matter how great they look, to begin with and how well you treat them, are going to get dirty over time. That is if you’re wearing them. There’s…
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Brian Wentz
August 18, 2019
The history of running shoes is a tale that dates back a relatively long time, for us, at least. Yet, when you think about how long humans have been around doing athletic events, it’s really not all that long at…
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Brian Wentz
August 1, 2019
If you are looking for shoes made specifically for running, there are few companies out there that are as good as Brooks is. Brooks, rather than having their attention on dozens or possibly hundreds of other projects, works so well…
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